Tuesday, May 28, 2013


On my last post I said there would be more pictures to come of my garden. So here you goooooooo.

Here is one of my many bird baths in the garden, they love to take a bath,  especially the wrens.

As you can see the iris beside of the bird bath, I wanted you to see the beautiful color.  I think the birds splash water from their bath and that helps the iris grown.

This is a different part of my garden and I have not shown these roses yet.  I now have the time to devote to them since I am retired.  Don't you love the colors, they blend so well together.

If you look closely you cans see the little cherubs peaking through my daisy bush.  This was a 6 pack and now look at it.  I used Amend (name of the product) to enrich my soil.

Don't you just love this little cute bird bath with the bunny looking in and Mr Fog sitting there.  It was a gift from my friend Phyllis (aroundrhouse) for my Birthday a few years ago.

This is a view of my garden so you can see all of my roses and flowers in that portion of my garden.

This is Senior Froggie and I purchased him in Mexico.  I used to take clients down there shopping when I was in the corporate world, but no shopping there anymore.

This is another one of my favorite babies - Cherry Delight, isn't she so pretty.

This is a favorite gathering spot in my yard. You can sit by the fire, smell the roses, hear the water fountain
and just relax with a glass of wine.

This is one of my most favorite roses - French Lace .  I have had it about 15 years and it smells divine.

This is my Tropicana rose. It has so many blooms and I love the bright orange color..  Those darn Flamingo have specked at my grass LOL

Thank you for stopping by, I always enjoy your visits.  Please leave a comment as I love to read them.  If you are not a follower won't you please follow me as I have a new project I will be showing soon.  I don't want you to miss it.