Thursday, August 29, 2013


     I  would like to introduce you to some of my rooster collection.  I was at Home Goods walking around and then I saw him, not that I needed another rooster, but he was calling my name take me, take me home, and of course I had to have him.  The big one to the left is a cookie jar and she is a hen.  My friend Phyllis from Around The House gave her to me for Christmas a couple years ago.  The rooster to the right I purchased my self at Home Goods.

These pictures were from my son.

My son Shaun and his wife Frances were in Hawaii at a Art Show in the hotel and saw this original picture and they gave it to me.  So I thanked them and put it away as it needed to be framed.  Well I forgot about it (shame on me).  Many years later after they had given me a few more roosters I remembered it and had it framed when I re-modeled the kitchen. It really adds to my collection.

These pretty little salt and pepper shakers are my newest addition, aren't they just the cutest.  My friend Jessie gave them to me for my Birthday this past July.

These pretty little S/P shakers were given to me by my friend Phyllis.  Isn't the salt shaker just so plump and friendly.

Aren't they just so pretty all setting there all in a row.  Collecting is fun isn't it.  I think it's all in the hunt.

This is my breakfast dishes - the roosters always make me so happy in the morning.  They are by Queen's and I found them TJ Max.

Can't you just imagine eggs, bacon and hash browns on these pretty plates along with my rooster silverware.

Just love this silverware which I purchased from Marshall's a couple years ago.

I think this rooster is one of the prettiest ones in my collection.  I purchased these at Home Goods a few years ago.  Don't you just love that store.  We have a new one going in really close to my home and I can hardly wait.  Hope they are open in time for Christmas shopping.

Just a few little greeters when you come in to my house.

The bigger rooster is from my granddaughter Kelly for my Birthday this year and there is a button you turn on and he crows.  I can count on her to give me at least one rooster for Christmas and my Birthday.  What a girl.

Well Waldo said aren't you thru yet, it's hot and your bothering my nap.  He has to be everywhere I am, getting in my way.  LOL

Poor Lili said leave me alone it's to darn hot to do anything!!!  I think I need to put this girl on a diet.

I hope you have enjoyed a few of my Yard Trotters (that's what we called them when I was little and visited my cousins).

Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving a comment because when you do I can find you ,leave a comment and follow you too..  I'm pretty new at this posting so forgive any mistakes.



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Thursday, August 1, 2013

Blossoms and Hummingbirds

This is my Lions Tail plant  in  the front yard.  It really had the blooms this year.  It was amazing.

I don't know the name of this plant.  I got it at a Cottage Nursery and the leaves smell like Peanut Butter, so I call it my Peanut Butter Plant.  Does anyone know it's name?

Do I have hummers - I have three feeders on the front porch and there are always 2 to 3 hummers drinking.
At dusk they really come in 10 to 12 at a time.  I guess they are getting ready to store their energy for the night.

I love to sit outside and watch them as they are such busy little birds.  They sure let me knew when their
feeders are empty.  I have never used so much sugar in my life.  The feeders are re-filled every other day.

Here is one of my pink hydrangea bushes.  I didn't have as many blooms this year as last, I don't know why.
I have 6 different colored bushes along this side of the house which is east and they seem to like the early morning sun.

The closest bush has two different colored flowers on it - blue and purple.  The two farther back are white.
These bushes had tons of flowers, while some only had two or three blooms.

Here are some more of my flowers in the front yard along with some roses.

Can you see my little cherub singing to the daisy's?  I have three of them and they are so cute in the garden

Here is a small portion of my front porch.  Can you see my yard trotters sitting up there?  The chicken feeder was a gift from my granddaughter Kelly for Mothers Day in 2012.  Kelly is 10 years old and the love of my life.  She always gets me a chicken/rooster for Christmas and my Birthday's  which was last Friday. She got me a sun catcher rooster and a little rooster along with 2 pictures she painted.  Such a sweet little girl and quite the artist.

Hope you have enjoyed your visit today.  I look forward to hearing your comments.  I love to read them and what you have to say.
