Monday, May 4, 2015



A few roses that I picked from the garden before the heat wave hit. So I could make some bouquets for the house.

I just love this rose, it's my 99 cent one and a favorite.

I always put a fresh bouquet in the guest bathroom to perk it up a little.  These are few bouquets that I made up just before the 90 degree weather hit last week.

Now on to the back yard when my nasturtiums where in bloom and taking over the entire garden.  They have since been removed and making way for my new plants.

Lili watching me, she wouldn't come out as she does not like the hose being on and will sit by the slider watching me.  I know what she is thinking "now what is that woman up to".

I found this picture at Home Goods and I just had to have it to go with the rest of my rooster pictures.  Love the old house and fence.  It must be fall as there are hardly any leaves on the tree.

Found these canisters at Home Goods also - need a little change in the kitchen.

I have been cleaning out my closets and in a box I found some very old books over 100 years old that belonged to my Aunt-in-law.  This was the best I could do with the pictures.

This was given to Aunt Alice from her father for Christmas in 1910.

Isn't the writing beautiful.  The younger children now cannot write at all.  They should bring penmanship back into the classrooms.  Such a lovely book of poems and sayings. - A beautiful treasure.

One of my new chandlers from a friend.  She was remodeling and didn't need it anymore so I got lucky.  It is from Pottery Barn and goes with my French Country.

This is also from my friend and has so many pretty sparkles on it and it is from Lamps Are Us.

This is the Garden Guest Room, which I did for my granddaughter as she loves flowers as much as her grandmother does.

This was in the guest room. but I had it moved to the entrance hallway.  I found this one at a garage sale.

Looking out to the front yard and you can see my roses and iris's in bloom.  They don't look so good now with all the heat we have had and less water.

Notice how dry the ground is and this is after watering.  I have to lay down more mulch to keep it damp.

More roses in the front yard.

My white hydrangeas getting ready to bloom - can hardly wait to cut some and bring them into the house.

Some of my David Austin roses - they always smell so good.

This is Kevin, the little 10 year old that I pick up from school.  Wow he is so smart and he keeps me on my toes.  He is not giving up his water as he is looking for bugs and lizards.

This sunflower is compliments from the birds.  Growing up between the cracks of the pavers.  It was as big as a dinner plate.  Thank you birds.

Waldo keeping an eye on me.  He lets me know when we need to go into the yard for watering and picking up stuff.  Won't leave me alone, but as soon as I put on my red crock shoes he is at the door ready to go and help.

Some of my geraniums in bloom.

My garden angels guarding my flowers.

My St Patrick rose.  When it's a bud it's green and then as it opens up it turns yellow.

I see that Lili has ventured out on the patio, but keeping a sharp eye on me to be sure that I don't turn the water on.  LOL  She is so funny.

Waldo chewing on one of his bones along with his babies by his side's.  You would think that a boy dog wouldn't care about stuffed animals, but he sure loves all of the them and Lili could care less.  Has one on each side of him.

I took this picture in the house looking out the dining room window and my little friend came right up to the window to say hello.  I have about 20 of them that live at my house and I have to refill  3 feeders every other day.  Seems like all I do is make them their sugar water and boy do they let me know if they are empty.

Can you see the 5 hummers eating - I can sit for hours at the dining room table and watch them.

Sorry this is such a long post, but I just had so much to show you as I am afraid that it won't look like this very long.  So many years of hard work in the garden.

Waldo, Lili and I hope that you will leave a comment as I read them all.


Dwellings ~ Amaze Me Monday
      The Dedicated House ~ Make it Pretty Monday        
    Between Naps On The Porch ~ Metamorphosis Monday
A Stroll Thru Life ~ Inspire Me Tuesday
Coastal Charm ~ Nifty Thrifty Tuesday
Savvy Southern Style ~ Wow Us Wednesday
Ivy and Elephants ~ What's It Wednesday
No Minimalist Here ~ Open House Party Thursdays
Between Naps on the Porch - Tablescape Thursday
Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson ~ Share Your Cup Thursday
My Turn for Us ~ Freedom Fridays Blog Hop
Common Ground ~ Be Inspired Friday
The Thrifty Groove ~ Thrifty Things Friday

Rooted in Thyme - Simple & Sweet Friday


Saturday and Sunday, Mary Lou Heard had their Garden Tour.  Some were only open on Saturday, some on Sunday, and some both days.  My friends and I went yesterday, Sunday.  The weather was sunny and beautiful with a light breeze.  We selected only 6 gardens and we were not disappointed.
However, I must say that none of the homes were water wise.

The first garden was a Cottage Garden and I really loved it.  The lady and her husband did all the work.  Lots of beautiful flowers and garden art.

This was the entrance to their home.  For all of your rooster lovers look above the door.  She had many, many rooster all over her garden.  The next two pictures are on each side of the front entrance.

The maiden hair fern was so lush and green.

The hydrangeas were stunning, oh so blue and big.

This was the walk way up to her front entrance

The other side of the driveway going into her backyard.

This was the first thing we saw as we entered her garden a Fairy Garden.  They were so busy having a tea party.

A old mail box with Miss Henny Penny, and her baby chick nesting.

A old wagon with such a pretty combination of flowers.

A bakers rack with lovely bird houses and that beautiful speckled chicken.  It had a great rusty

A old push lawn mower with lots of flowers all around it.

A old table that was painted for the garden with a pretty metal rooster.

Numerous shelves with bird houses, chickens of all sorts and many interesting items.

A better view of all the lovely things she has.

There were lots of hanging flower pots in the trees and that old wagon.

I loved the Garden Lady pointing to her flowers.

This was a little patio off of the house in the back yard.

This is a garden lady on her gate going into the back yard.  I didn't notice her until we were leaving.
Everything in her garden was so well thought out.

This was the side yard before you went into the back yard.  She is the last house on the block and has a lot more land than the rest of the homes.

My friend had to have one more look. This is the first Garden Tour that she has been on.  I must say this was my very favorite garden.

This was the second garden with a lovely bridge and pond.

What a lovely spot to sit and relax.

Great dining area with lots of flowers.

Another water feature

This was a really cute bench.

This was a older couple who took care of this garden and it was so lovely, they had flowers, a pond with fish, and vegetable garden.  There were many beautiful garden sculptures that their son had made. 

I loved this bottle tree in their garden.  This is the last house on our tour.  They had 2 acres of land.


Beautiful big turtle statue and notice the sign.

They had succulent plants, vegetable gardens, a movie area on the green, grape arbor and a terrific swimming pool. 

The statue was made of tin and he was so unusual, playing the accordion.  Notice the grape arbor behind him.

They had three spouts of water coming out of the deck into the pool.

Looks like I was trying to help him play.

Well that is it for the tour and we had lots of fun.  Had lunch at Mimi's Restaurant.  Got our strength back and took off to see the rest of the gardens on our list.

This last home had so many succulents for visitors.  I picked up about 4 since I do not have any and it looks like that will be all in most California gardens, if we do not get rain.  This is the worse drought that California has ever had.  I am seriously considering get rid of my lawn and putting in pea gravel.  Grass it the biggest water hog ever.

Hope that you enjoyed my little tour of Southern California's garden.  There were 35 homes on the tour from Long Beach to Yorba Linda.


Waldo, Lili and I love reading all your comments.

Dwellings ~ Amaze Me Monday
      The Dedicated House ~ Make it Pretty Monday        
    Between Naps On The Porch ~ Metamorphosis Monday
A Stroll Thru Life ~ Inspire Me Tuesday
Coastal Charm ~ Nifty Thrifty Tuesday
Savvy Southern Style ~ Wow Us Wednesday
Ivy and Elephants ~ What's It Wednesday
No Minimalist Here ~ Open House Party Thursdays
Between Naps on the Porch - Tablescape Thursday
Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson ~ Share Your Cup Thursday
My Turn for Us ~ Freedom Fridays Blog Hop
Common Ground ~ Be Inspired Friday
The Thrifty Groove ~ Thrifty Things Friday

Rooted in Thyme - Simple & Sweet Friday