Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Welcome to my garden look how pretty this rose is  - it's called Garden Party and the blooms are so big almost as big as a salad plate.

I don't remember the name of this rose but it has so many blooms and buds on it. Can you see the purple iris peaking out to the side her name is Betty and she pops out every year.

This is my Don Juan rose it always has so many blooms all year.  Do you think the name came from the real Don Juan since it has so many pretty little blossoms?
I hope you all are enjoying this tour of my gardens.

Just had to show you a couple of my iris's that I got at South Coast Plaza Garden Show a couple of years ago.  The colors on them are so unusual don't you think?

Now your never going to believe this but I got this rose at the 99 Cent Store and it is a Jackson and Perkins, but no name.  They look so pretty paired together with my purple iris.

These are one of my favorite roses a very pretty orange with light cream and they bloom and bloom and bloom.  Must be the good soil.  It just looks like a BIG ROSE PARTY.....

This rose is in my front yard with iris ready to bloom and my white saliva. 
They make a nice combination.

This is my sunflower bird bath where the birds love to take baths.  I can sit outside for hours and watch the birds and take in all the beautiful roses that God created.  Can you tell that my favorite flowers are ROSES  

This is one of my most favorite roses - St Patrick.  It starts out almost green and then turns into a beautiful yellow rose 

I have shown you just a little of my roses.  My garden is more on the Cottage Style with a lot of iris, calla lily's, foxgloves, daisy, Mexican primrose and love in the mist.

Well my little helpers decided they were pooped, had enough ,so they were getting ready for their afternoon nap. I think I will join them.
I hope you enjoyed  my brief garden tour and of course there will be more to come with all of my flowers changing with the seasons.

This is the first year after retirement that I have been able to devote myself to my garden and I am loving it. So please leave me a comment as I do read all of them.


  1. Your flower garden is amazing!! and, your doggies are beautiful, too. Lynda

    1. thanks so much for you comments. I do love my dogs and garden.
      Have a wonderful day.

  2. Thank you for the tour of your rose party; I would like the St. Patrick's rose both for its name and for the color changing from yellow to green. Your roses and iris are all pretty.

    1. Thanks for stopping by Terra, Glad you like my roses - there will be more to come. Have about 150 roses so sty turned in......
      Happy Spring.

  3. Another Southern California rose wonderful to meet you. Your garden is lovely, so many pretty things. Aren't we fortunate to have our flowers blooming so early, sometimes I almost feel a bit guilty about it, we live in such a great climate.

    My son lives in Fullerton so I know a bit about the area. I am in the San Gabriel Valley but our climates are very similar. I will be following along with you on your blogging adventure after all we Californians need to stick together!

    1. So glad to meet you. When your in Fullerton stop by would love to meet you. Thank you for your lovely comments. I know what you mean about feeling guilty with our wonderful weather when our blogging friends still have SNOW.
      I will be following you.
      Have a wonderful week.

  4. Great job on the post Mary, you should be very proud of yourself...the roses are stunning, the photos are great and I loved the post...the picture of the dogs is a really good one...they look much gardening...

  5. I am retiring in 56 days (who's counting) and the thing I am looking forward to most is being able to work in my garden all year round - not just during the summer. I only dream that my garden will look like yours.

    1. I love your post showing all the wonderful changes you made to your treasures.
      Thanks for stopping by my post and I am glad that you like my garden. I am a new follower. Hopefully you are following me also.
      Have a super day.

  6. Mary, it just turned midnight and before I turn into a pumpkin I had to say something about your roses. Well, if I could, words can't describe how beautiful they are. You have the greenest thumb I know..Just simply gorgeous..Happy Thursday..Judy

  7. Good Afternoon Mary, What a joy it is to see so much colour in your garden. Here in the North of England, it is very cold with barely a daffodil in flower. I have retired aswell and it is lovely to have the time to enjoy my interests. I love gardening and I adore favourites tend to be David Austen roses. I have enjoyed the walk around your garden so much, that I have become your newest follower.
    I would like to invite you to visit Ivy, Phyllis and Me! it would be lovely to see you there.
    Enjoy your day.
    Best Wishes

    1. So glad to meet you. I also love David Austen roses - have about 6 bushes. I will be following your blog.
      Hope Spring comes soon for you.
      Happy to meet you.

  8. Hi Mary! Oh, my! Your garden is so beautiful. You do have the prettiest roses and you know all of their names too! :) I love a cottage style garden - much prettier to me than a stylized one. Your little helpers look like they deserve a good long nap. Thanks so much for popping in to see me and your sweet commetns.
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

    1. Hi Shelia, so glad that you like my garden. There will be more to come. Sometimes I feel like a HORDER in the garden. lol I want all the flowers I can get.
      So glad your mother is better - I know you are taking good care of her.
      Have a wonderful week.

  9. Oh, I LOVE your roses! Just beautiful, you have a real talent, such a perfect garden!

  10. Hi Mary,

    Lovely flowers, especially rose. You are SO LUCKY you have your flowers blooming, here in the midwest...NOT we have some time to wait.

    Happy gardening, Lynnie

  11. Hi Mary,

    Just adore your roses! Have yet to create my own bed of roses, still have them in pots. Am sure they flourish in beds rather than in pots.

    1. Thanks Ummu, my roses are going crazy, I can't keep up with them they are blooming so fast. Was a very bad girl today went to the nursery and purchased more flowers.
      Have a wonderful weekend.

  12. Hi Mary,

    So nice to meet you! Your gardens are gorgeous! How lucky you are to awake each morning to the pretty sight and sweet scents of such heavenly wonders! And all of this in southern California!! Thanks for the tour!

    Your newest follower,


    1. Thank you so much for you kind comments. I do love my garden. Especially in the morning before everyone wakes up, to see birds chirping and hummers taking the baths. Nice and quite with a cup of coffee.
      Have a great weekend Poppy.

  13. What a wonderful roses garden !! Love your Iris too ! In my French garden, no flowers yet, springs seems to have forgotten us for the moment !
    Love your two so sweet little helpers : mine is a IIth months sweet poodle.
    so pleased to be your newest French follower

    1. So sorry that Spring is taking so long where you live. For some reason the garden is going NUTS, so many blooms, but I not complaining. The dogs love it also and want me to go outside all the time.
      Have a wonderful weekend Joelle.

  14. Oh my your roses are so beautiful!! I always wanted a Rose garden, but it's not happened. We had a few roses, but they usually don't make it after a season or two.

    Jocelyn @

    1. Good Morning Jocelyn, so sorry that your roses don't make it after a winter. They should, need to really mulch around them, very heavy and pruned very low. We lived in Ohio by the Lake and mother would really build up mounds of mulch around and over them.
      Hopefully spring is where you are.
      Have a great weekend.

  15. Hi Mary,
    Your roses are stunning. You truly have a green thumb and your pics are gorgeous. I love roses too and have them planted all around our home. Mostly knockout roses since they do so well here in our climate of Texas.
    Love seeing your little sweeties too. They are darling.
    Have a nice weekend.
    Hugs, Celestina Marie

    1. Good Morning Celestina, thank you for your wonderful comments. I do love my dogs and garden and WE spend a lot of time outside.
      Have a wonderful weekend.

  16. I am so envious of your rose garden....I cannot have roses here as the deer love them for dessert!....your roses are gorgeous...and I am partial to the St Patrick's Day rose as it is my granddaughters birthday...I had planted one..but it was eaten quickly!!..
    Have a great weekend...your garden is gorgeous!

    1. Hi Shirley, thank you for you comments. So sorry that the deer eat your roses. I do love St Patrick's Rose, is one of my favorites.
      Have a wonderful weekend and hopefully spring has come where you live.

  17. Oh how beautiful your garden and roses are.We have roses out front with salvia and iris's too. They do look so nice together Thank you for visiting and following. I am following back. I want to see more of your garden. x

    1. Good morning yes the roses are so pretty this year maybe because I talk to them more since I retired. LOL
      Thanks for being a follower and hope to post more soon. I can't keep up with them.
      Have a great weekend.

  18. You have a wonderful and beautiful garden. I love garden roses, too....but not the florist roses...not sure why. :)
    Thanks for your pretty tour.
    xo bj

    1. thanks BJ. I also like garden roses better than florist ones.
      So glad that you and MR Sweet are having wonderful celebrations.

  19. Hi Mary. I already told you how beautiful your roses and garden are, I just want to say congrats on your win from Amy Jo. Good deal!!..Happy Weekend..Judy

  20. Your roses are just breathtaking! There are just so many different varieties and colors that it's hard to pick a favorite!

    Your dogs look similar to our Bella.


    1. Thank you for your kind comments. Waldo is a Border Collie and Lili is Lab/German Pointer. Both are rescued dogs and are the best.

  21. Beautiful flowers! Life to the full! Melissa

  22. Thanks for popping in to see me, Mary, and yes, my mother is doing so much better!
    Have a great week.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  23. Your gardens are beautiful! I love the roses with the pops of purple iris-enjoy:@)

  24. Absolutely beautiful! Your helpers are adorable too! Hope you'll come share at Amaze Me Monday...

  25. Hi Mary, so special to visit your gargepis garden once again. Lovely way to start my week.
    Thank you for stopping by and your kind comment.
    Have a wonderful week.
    Hugs, CM

  26. Such beautiful roses! I love them all and am slowly adding some to my gardens. You've given me a few to look for at the garden center (or dollar store!)

  27. Oh yes, Mary, I very much enjoyed the tour of your garden. Your roses are just breath taking. That beige and orange one is spectacular. You have so many wonderful flowers to enjoy. laurie

  28. It's just me again. I was so entranced with your beautiful roses that I forgot to respond to your sweet inquiry about our grandson. He is doing really well. He's home; he's gaining weight; and he is adorable (I'm not at all prejudiced). He still has some hurdles ahead, but I think he has shown that he can climb any mountain that is put in front of him. Thank you so much for asking about him. laurie

  29. What a beautiful garden you have. It's so pretty. I can't believe you got a Jackson & Perkins at the 99 Cent store. It's lovely.

  30. Mary,

    Your garden is beautiful!! I have always loved roses and foxgloves. Although my gardening skills leave a lot to be desired :) Thank you for your get well wishes.

    Amy Jo

  31. Hi Mary! I wanted to thank you so much for popping in to Cindy's blog and touring my home! I appreciate your comments so much.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  32. Oh my goodness, I have rose envy, yours are incredible. Love your little helpers.
    fondly ~lynne~

    1. Thanks Lynne for your kind comments, can you tell I adore roses.
      Have a wonderful weekend.

  33. ¡Que maravilla! me ha encantado conocerte y contemplar tanta belleza.
    ¡Gracias! Bendiciones!!!

    1. Thank you so much for your kind comments.
      Have a great weekend.

  34. Hi Mary, So special to see your roses again. I love them. In Texas we do best with knock out roses. They can take all the heat and drought. So it works nicely here. I would love to have more colors. I do have 3 long stem types and they are a challenge to keep going, but beautiful. Thank you for stopping by and your kind comment. Wishing you a great weekend.
    hugs, CM

  35. Mary,
    Your roses are simply beautiful. I would love to take a stroll around your garden. I love the white ones and the orange ones, but my favorite, of course, is the red roses. I went to my cousin's funeral yesterday, and I am a bit sad today, so these pictures really cheered me up. Thank you for reminding me that there is so much beauty in the world. I think I will come back again later for another view.


  36. Your garden is so beautiufl, so many different roses. I love the irises peeking through the roses.

  37. Wow, your roses are amazing! I can almost smell them from here:) Wish that I could grow them, you have such a green thumb. Looks like your fur babies are pooped:)

  38. Beautiful~beautiful roses! I used to have a bunch of rose bushes but now only a few, though I do enjoy the view and the sweet smell of the ones that I have. I'm your newest follower, can't wait to see some more of your gorgeous garden. Come by for a visit when you get a chance. Have a Beautiful day!

  39. Your garden is just beautiful! I love your roses in all of the gorgeous colors. What a beautiful view to look out on. Thanks for sharing your garden with us.


  40. Oh Mary...your garden is absolutely stunning! It is exactly what I would dream a garden would be like. I have the same iris's as you and love mine. Very unusal in color compared to normal ones. And the roses...I am beginning to add roses to my flower beds. All I have now are knock outs but just added two pale pink rose bushes that my mother bought for me. I can't remember the name though. Everythign is just glad you stopped by my blog for me to find you!

  41. I so enjoyed seeing your roses! Your green thumb is the
    envy of your neighborhood I am sure. I guess here on the
    coast of NC on the ICW of Topsail Island, I have attempted
    to grow roses in a raised bed. No luck in the "near the sea"
    home and now we too have deer in our neighborhood. Knock-outs
    do well here, so I will stick with those and work on my
    oleanders and hydrangeas. Thanks again for sharing, all my
    life I have wanted pink roses in our yard. :) Someday.
    Have a wonderful week!

  42. Your yard is gorgeous. I have been retired for about ten years now but having moved around a couple of time..just now getting to a place where I can plant and enjoy it.
    I should probably move my hpydrangea to a more sunny location. It seems to be struggling where I put it under that tree! WHAT was I thinking.
    It looks as though your roses are in your front yard. I LOVE that and want to do the same..but..I am not alone so I have consider what my husband wants. He hesitates. :)
    Slowly my roses are creeping up on him...little by little. LOVE your yard!!

  43. Beautiful garden and darling dogs.

  44. Hi Mary ...

    Congratulations you are the 2nd Place winner of our Sweet Magnolias Farm Ball Jar Giveaway !

    Come get our e-mail address to send us your personal address here:

    Happy Spring ..Sara

  45. Your roses are outstanding!! I also love your smiling dog in the post below, how funny!

    Also congratulations on winning the give-away!

  46. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  47. What pretty roses. So many blooms in the prettiest colors. I also love your iris collection. They are two of my favorite flowers.. I planted a few climbing roses along my fence a few years ago and they are now almost covering the entire fence. I can't wait until they all bloom this year. It is going to be spectacular. Thank you for sharing your pretty flowers and also for visiting my blog and leaving your sweet and kind words.


  48. Your roses and flowers are gorgeous! I love all the beautiful photos, thanks for sharing! Cute dogs! New Follower!


    1. Hi Jody, nice to meet you. Thank you for your kind comments. So glad you are a new follower.
      I will be following you also.
      Have a wonderful weekend.

  49. I wish you a marvellous and sunny wek end.

    xoxo from Paris


  50. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  51. I just discovered you over at Wspersweetly of Cottages. Your roses and iris are gorgeous! The Garden Party rose is especially beautiful. I wonder if it would grow in Missouri. I am going to have to study up about it. Your photographs turned out really great. Your dogs look sweet. My little Fuzzy Pom is not a help in the garden. He gets carried away and tries to "water" my flowers if I don't keep a close eye on him.

  52. Hi Mary, So nice to view your roses once again and your darling fur babies. It is a cloudy and stormy day here so seeing the sunshine through your pics is refreshing.
    Thank you for stopping by and your sweet comment. Have a great Thursday.
    Hugs, Celestina Marie

  53. I have BLOOM envy:)

    How lush your roses are!

  54. Thank you so much for the Mother's Day wishes! I hope you're having a beautiful day.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  55. GORGEOUS roses & other flowers, Mary! You have the perfect climate for them. I bet you never have to cut them back, like we do in the winter. This was the first year I didn't put a bucket & a brick over mine to protect them & they seem to have come back just fine.

    Ms. C. did finally agree to the use of the beeswax on her braces. She is still hurting, though. I feel so bad for her. I'm praying daily that the discomfort lets up soon. Thanks for your advice.


    p.s. Your iris look just like the old fashioned ones I grew up with in our yard. I have the mini Egyptian ones here now. Will share some photos of them just as soon as they bloom.

  56. Your garden is AWESOME - a perfect "English Country Garden" look. Love it.

    I have roses but they don't bloom much and don't do well, not sure why. They're 3 years old now and I had hoped they just needed time. Can't wait till they bloom, hopefully they will- last year only had a couple.

    Love your beautiful garden and cute 4 legged helpers!

  57. I love the Don Juan rose, it looks just fabulous!

    Greetings and thanks for visiting my blog :)

  58. Hi Mary, thank you so much for your lovely comments on my blog, your garden is beautiful I always dreame to have a garden full of rose, only in California you have beautiful rose, I live in California for one year and we have rose in the garden I missing them so much.
    I enjoy your garden all the time!

  59. Your garden is really beautiful!! So many lovely roses. I love the iris, too. My mom always had siberian iris in her garden.

  60. Your garden and roses must be the envy of your neighborhood! So beautiful I can almost smell them all the way here! Thank you for the virtual stroll in your most amazing rose garden!!!

  61. Your garden is just so lovely. I have one rose bush my neighbor gave me. I thought it was winter killed but cut it back and it is getting new leaves. It has a pink flower and will bloom all summer. My neighbors bush is beautiful.It is getting difficult to do much gardening anymore.

  62. Your roses are beautiful! You have such a variety. They are my favorite flower too and they do so well for us here in Southern California. From your photos I think we definately like the same style of gardens ~ casual cottage style with lots and lots of old fashion flowers. Happy Gardening, I am looking forward to seeing your next garden post.

  63. Your garden is gorgeous. I love the cottage style garden too but with some junk thrown in. I love the roses!

  64. Hi Mary, I'll bet your flowers are even more beautiful now! Thanks for popping in to see me.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  65. Oh me oh my, what a lovely bunch of roses you have! One thing I do miss about living in the San Joaquin Valley was the rose season lasts FOREVER! Here in the mountains it is not so long but I enjoy what I get, just have to find roses that thrive in cooler temps, like English Roses. I am sure your garden smells heavenly.

    1. Thank you for your kind comments. It does smell wonderful especially the David Austin roses. I had two people ask on Mothers Day if they could cut some roses for their mothers and of course I said yes. One young man was taking out money to leave on the table and I knocked on the window and shook my head no.
      Thanks for stopping by and happy gardening.

  66. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  67. Your garden is just lovely. The rose photo looks as if I could reach out and touch it.
    Wonderful post, thanks for sharing it.
    New follower,

  68. I am in awe of your garden and your roses.
    You left a comment on my blog about the
    Blaze of Glory.. well your roses put mine
    to shame really.. I need to read where you
    live because I'm in Hot Florida and roses do
    not do well in my soil.. your garden is just
    wonderful... thanks so much for visiting.

  69. Your garden shows the love and attention which it receives from the 3 of you. So so pretty. I love my flowers too, and you've inspired me to go out and get some roses as your's are so beautiful. Thank you for visiting me and leaving such a lovely comment.
    xx's from Texas

  70. I think your retirement was a very good thing for the roses! Probably good for you too. Your roses look so healthy and lush. Just beautiful. Dianne

  71. Hi Mary and thank you for popping in to see me with your kindness!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  72. Mary, I am so glad you caught my post with the picture of Cooper. You have been so kind about asking about him. He is truly a miracle and a blessing to us. Thank you for your continued concern for our little guy. Hugs, Laurie

  73. LOVELY to be lost among roses.


  74. Every time I come over here, I see something new and delightful in your beautiful garden. That frog with the flowers just made me smile. Our little Cooper just had hernia surgery (he was born with the hernia, but they were waiting for him to be strong enough for the surgery). He came through the surgery great, and now he is a chubby 11 pounds. What a miracle. laurie

  75. I love looking at your garden. The roses are incredible. Mine are just whispy things, probably not enough sun. STill I keep trying. Love the blog

  76. Beautiful garden, especially those roses! Thanks for visiting and commenting on my tussie-mussie post! ~Zuni

  77. Hi Mary and I hope you're doing well! Thanks for popping in to see me and I'm sure your honeymoon was great on a train!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  78. Mary, I would love for you to snap for me! Pretty pleeeeeeeeeeeease! :)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  79. beautiful roses and pics too
    your newest follower

  80. Your garden is absolutely stunning.

    Mine is only just a few years old and it is taking quite a while for things to grow.

    I am enjoying it and learning as I go.

    Your roses are such an inspiration to not give up and keep trying.

    Thank you so much for being such a faithful reader!

  81. Mary, I love when you stop by my blog and leave your kind comments. Thank you so much. laurie

  82. Hi Mary,
    It is so nice to meet you! Your roses and garden are beautiful!
    Your newest follower,xo

  83. O my I am so impressed/ Your garden is so beautiful. Would love to sit there for a long time and play with your babies. Thanks for stopping by.
