Tuesday, March 11, 2014


                                                                         Waldo - he is getting gray over his eyes
                                                                         Lili is younger than Waldo

Spring has come to So CA.  So I thought that I would share a few of my flowers that are in bloom.  We have had such an unusual winter - no rain and very warm days.

My little helpers LOL ... Waldo loves to be in the garden with me helping and Lili, if she thinks you are going to turn the hose on she is gone.......... sitting in the living room looking out the window.  Waldo would stay out side with me all day long unless it gets too hot then he goes into the house and watches me out the window.

This is my Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow plant.  It starts out a pretty purple flower , the second day it is a lavender flower and then the third day it is white.  The smell is so wonderful and you can smell it the minute you step outside.

Sorry this picture is a little blurry.

Some of my purple iris in bloom - it's one of my favorite flowers.  The purple ones are always the first to bloom and the different color ones come next.  I have peach, brown and lavender, white, black and a very light shade of lavender.

Look at the pretty different shades of purple and the markings on the petals.

The Daisy's color goes so well with the purple iris.  I see that my flamingo is looking for bugs in the lambs ears.  I don't know why, but I just love to have a few flamingos in the yard.  Wish they were real.

One of my orchids in bloom - I have about 12 plants in all different colors and some Moth orchids.  The wind broke off a few of the spikes.

Another view of the garden with my garden angels working the soil.

This is one of my 99 cent roses in bloom - I have a few that are blooming already and the rest of my rose bushes are full of buds.  I can hardly wait to see them all in bloom.  I think the first bloom is the prettiest of the season.  What do you think?

My red camellia bush - see all the buds ready to open.  It is a double bloom.  I don't remember the name of it but I have had it about 25 years.  It is in my front yard beside my little patio.

A few of my calla lily's - have quite a few in the front yard. They are always some of the first blooms in Spring.

Some more of my iris - I always wait so long for them to bloom and it's only once a year and they are gone within a couple of days.

A view of the front of the house - my roses are ready to bloom and the lavender is in full bloom.  Smells so good when you walk up the driveway.  I can always tell when the dogs have been in the lavender and rosemary - they smell so good.

A few of my lavender bushes in the parkway.  I have the English, French and Spanish lavender.  So lovely when in bloom.

My Chicago Peace climber -we had very strong winds and it blew this branch of of the trellis.  Such a pretty color and it produces many many blooms.

I understand that we will have the Santa Ana Winds again tonight, so it should be interesting to see what damage will be done with the Devil Winds.  That's what they call the Santa Ana winds that come in off of the desert.

Hope this post has brought some Spring to you who live in cold areas.  Hopefully your Spring is just around
the corner.

I hope you will leave a comment as Waldo and I are always interested in your comments.


 Dwellings ~ Amaze Me Monday
      The Dedicated House ~ Make it Pretty Monday        
    Between Naps On The Porch ~ Metamorphosis Monday
A Stroll Thru Life ~ Inspire Me Tuesday
Coastal Charm ~ Nifty Thrifty Tuesday
Savvy Southern Style ~ Wow Us Wednesday
Ivy and Elephants ~ What's It Wednesday
No Minimalist Here ~ Open House Party Thursdays
Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson ~ Share Your Cup Thursday
My Turn for Us ~ Freedom Fridays Blog Hop
Common Ground ~ Be Inspired Friday
The Thrifty Groove ~ Thrifty Things Friday
Rooted in Thyme - Simple & Sweet Friday