Tuesday, March 11, 2014


                                                                         Waldo - he is getting gray over his eyes
                                                                         Lili is younger than Waldo

Spring has come to So CA.  So I thought that I would share a few of my flowers that are in bloom.  We have had such an unusual winter - no rain and very warm days.

My little helpers LOL ... Waldo loves to be in the garden with me helping and Lili, if she thinks you are going to turn the hose on she is gone.......... sitting in the living room looking out the window.  Waldo would stay out side with me all day long unless it gets too hot then he goes into the house and watches me out the window.

This is my Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow plant.  It starts out a pretty purple flower , the second day it is a lavender flower and then the third day it is white.  The smell is so wonderful and you can smell it the minute you step outside.

Sorry this picture is a little blurry.

Some of my purple iris in bloom - it's one of my favorite flowers.  The purple ones are always the first to bloom and the different color ones come next.  I have peach, brown and lavender, white, black and a very light shade of lavender.

Look at the pretty different shades of purple and the markings on the petals.

The Daisy's color goes so well with the purple iris.  I see that my flamingo is looking for bugs in the lambs ears.  I don't know why, but I just love to have a few flamingos in the yard.  Wish they were real.

One of my orchids in bloom - I have about 12 plants in all different colors and some Moth orchids.  The wind broke off a few of the spikes.

Another view of the garden with my garden angels working the soil.

This is one of my 99 cent roses in bloom - I have a few that are blooming already and the rest of my rose bushes are full of buds.  I can hardly wait to see them all in bloom.  I think the first bloom is the prettiest of the season.  What do you think?

My red camellia bush - see all the buds ready to open.  It is a double bloom.  I don't remember the name of it but I have had it about 25 years.  It is in my front yard beside my little patio.

A few of my calla lily's - have quite a few in the front yard. They are always some of the first blooms in Spring.

Some more of my iris - I always wait so long for them to bloom and it's only once a year and they are gone within a couple of days.

A view of the front of the house - my roses are ready to bloom and the lavender is in full bloom.  Smells so good when you walk up the driveway.  I can always tell when the dogs have been in the lavender and rosemary - they smell so good.

A few of my lavender bushes in the parkway.  I have the English, French and Spanish lavender.  So lovely when in bloom.

My Chicago Peace climber -we had very strong winds and it blew this branch of of the trellis.  Such a pretty color and it produces many many blooms.

I understand that we will have the Santa Ana Winds again tonight, so it should be interesting to see what damage will be done with the Devil Winds.  That's what they call the Santa Ana winds that come in off of the desert.

Hope this post has brought some Spring to you who live in cold areas.  Hopefully your Spring is just around
the corner.

I hope you will leave a comment as Waldo and I are always interested in your comments.


 Dwellings ~ Amaze Me Monday
      The Dedicated House ~ Make it Pretty Monday        
    Between Naps On The Porch ~ Metamorphosis Monday
A Stroll Thru Life ~ Inspire Me Tuesday
Coastal Charm ~ Nifty Thrifty Tuesday
Savvy Southern Style ~ Wow Us Wednesday
Ivy and Elephants ~ What's It Wednesday
No Minimalist Here ~ Open House Party Thursdays
Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson ~ Share Your Cup Thursday
My Turn for Us ~ Freedom Fridays Blog Hop
Common Ground ~ Be Inspired Friday
The Thrifty Groove ~ Thrifty Things Friday
Rooted in Thyme - Simple & Sweet Friday


  1. Oh no...tell those winds to go away!....I am swooning over your garden...nice to live in CA...no flowers here yet...but my irises are popping out from the ground...and send some of that gorgeous lavender my way!!! :)

    1. Thanks Shirley for your sweet comments. We are going to have 80+ this weekend and I know the roses will be popping. If you lived close you could have all the lavender you wanted.

  2. Awww, just look at Waldo and Lili's sweet faces! Looks like they are enjoying all the fresh air and sunshine! Your gardens are just gorgeous, I am so envious of your lavender and roses! I can almost smell them from here:) We are in for another snow storm, up to a foot of snow tomorrow, ugh! You have such a green thumb, enjoy!!

    1. So sorry that you have more snow on the way. I pray that it is the last of snow you are going to have. I will be sending some Spring your way. It is going to be in the 80's this weekend.
      Thanks so much for the wonderful comments. Waldo and Lili love complements too. Waldo is such a ham.

  3. Mary,
    Everything is looking so beautiful including Waldo and Lili :) Don't we just love our fur babies??
    sugar, spice and whatever's nice

    1. I am not ashamed to say that I love them very much and they are such company for me. I live alone and I talk to them and they go everywhere I go in the house and outside. Waldo more so than Lili. We can really communicate to each other.
      Many thanks for you sweet comments.

  4. Oh, Mary, this did bring some spring into my life. What a wonderful escape from all of the cold temps we've been having. Your garden is glorious. I can't believe how many wonderful flowers are already blooming. I don't think I've ever seen a black Iris. I hope you'll post pictures when it blooms. That close up of that gorgeous rose took my breath. I'd love to see all of this in person. As gorgeous as it is on the computer, I think I'd swoon if I could see it in real life. laurie

  5. Oh Laurie, thanks so much for your great compliments. I can hardly wait for the roses to start - I'm thinking that this weekend will bring a lot of blooms - they are FULL of buds.
    It's called a black iris but it is such a dark purple that it looks black and is one of the last ones to bloom. It is very pretty - hope I at least get one shoot of blooms. I will be sure to take some pictures. I have a lovely rust/lavender one in bloom right now - have to get a picture of that also.
    Hopefully you will have Spring soon.
    Thanks again.

  6. Hi Mary! Yay, a post from you! Oh, my goodness what beautiful flowers and plants you have. I do believe you have the greenest of thumbs. I do have a Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow bush. Don't they smell so heavenly? My daughter and her husband used to live in Santa Barbara and she would talk about the Santa Ana winds. Hope the winds doesn't mess up any of your little pretties. Waldo looks like the sweetest doggy! :)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

    1. Thanks for your wonderful comments. Yes, Yesterday Today and Tomorrow plant is heavenly and when I leave the slider open you can smell it in the house. I have battened down everything so the winds don't tear up anything.
      Hopefully I will be posting more so stay tuned in. Loved your little cow creamers.
      Have a great day.

  7. I love that Waldo and Lili are your companions outdoors, mine, too. I had a dog years ago (he passed away) and he just loved water. He would attack the sprinkler.

    You have a lot of varieties of flowers that we don't have (except the iris). I find it so interesting to read blogs across the country and see what's blooming. My daffodils won't be up for another month and they are the first blooms! And snow tonight. Ugh!


    1. I see by the news that you are getting snow - how terrible. Waldo does attack the back yard sprinklers - tears them off and then comes in soaking wet so....... when I turn on the sprinklers I have to lock him in the house. He doesn't bother me when I am hand watering.
      I try to have a English Country Garden therefore I am always on the hunt for old fashioned plants.
      Maybe this will be your last snow storm this winter - take care. I would be NUTS by now not being able to get out LOL


  8. Your garden looks like it is well on its way to a beautiful summer.

    Amy Jo

    1. Thanks so much Amy Jo - yes the Spring garden came early this year due to all the warm weather we have be having. Hopefully your Spring is on its way.

  9. Oh what a joy to see all your pretty flowers!!! I love flowers that perfume the air!!! I can't wait for spring planting time, we're still having frost at night. Had a furry companion like Waldo~~~she would garden with me all day, except when I mowed then she would go across the field to my daughters next door. Never could figure that one out.

    1. Your BC probably went to your daughters because they do not like loud noises and I'm sure the lawn mover made a lot of noise. Waldo does not like Fire Crackers and gets so scared when they set them off. I have to sedate him.
      Hopefully your Spring is just around the corner. I love to get into the dirt and plant, but I'm going to be 79 in July and when I get down it's very hard for me to get up so I have to leave that to the gardeners to do. But I love to putter around in the garden. In fact this morning I was cutting roses for the house and the dew on them made them look like diamonds.
      Thanks so much for your sweet comments.

  10. So beautiful!! Love all your pretty flowers in bloom and the selection you have. Most of all love your fur ba babies. They are such great garden pals. My little guy is 14. Thanks for sharing ! I live in Virginia

  11. Hi Mary, I just love Waldo and Lily. They are so sweet and looks like my Buddy with all the gray on their faces. It's hard to see them get older. You have a very green thumb, my girl. How beautiful your garden is. That is one thing I miss about living by the ocean, is how pretty the gardens are all year long. I really am taken by the Today, Yesterday and Tomorrow plant. I will have to put some in. They may only be an annual up here but that's OK..Happy Wednesday..Judy

    1. Thanks so much Judy for your wonderful comments. I do love my dogs so much. They are always with me, Waldo more than Lili.
      You will love that plant - the smell is wonderful. The blooms only last three days, but they keep on blooming almost all year. They like the shade.
      Have a wonderful weekend.

  12. Mary, talk about a breath of sunshine. Your garden is absolutely gorgeous! I can't wait until I get that first rose bloom! The today, yesterday, and tomorrow plant is so unique. So happy that you are linking this to SYC.

    1. Thanks for hosting your wonderful party. Yes, I do love my garden - I was out there this morning at 7:00 a.m. cutting roses for a couple of bouquets. The roses had dew on them and they looked like someone had sprinkled them with glitter. Had to get the yard ready for the gardeners. Waldo looked at me like I was nuts to be cutting flowers in my night gown. LOL
      Have a great weekend and hoping you feeling better.

  13. You weren't kidding about your dogs being big...my dog is about the size of their heads! They're precious. Your garden is beautiful. I clicked to follow but for some reason it's not working. I'll be back so that I can follow along.

    1. Thank you for your comments. I tried to become a follower also but was told to try later, so I will. Don't know why.
      Have a great weekend.

  14. Hi Mary, I was so excited to see your post in my inbox this morning. Your gardens are gorgeous. I love all your blooms. However your little darlings steal the show. They look like such sweethearts and so sweet.
    You sure have a green thumb Mary. Love your roses and the variety you have. Your iris is such a pretty color and I love your double camellia. I have the red one too but not blooming yet. In a few weeks it will be full but not a double like yours.
    Hope the winds aren't too bad. We had them here yesterday up to 55 mph. No damage in my garden that I can see but nothing is blooming yet either.
    Have a great weekend ahead and enjoy the warm weather. Give Waldo and Lili a pat from me!!

    1. Thank you so much for your sweet comments. As you can tell my dogs are my best friends - never judge me and always give unconditional love and are very protective. I was attacked many years ago so I feel so safe with them - I would never be without a dog. I love them both the same but Waldo is very special - he can ready my mind and keeps me in line LOL
      My garden is going crazy with all the warm weather we have been having - going to high 80's this weekend. My roses are ready to bloom and it should be spectacular if they bloom about the same time. The wind wasn't to bad this time and should be leaving today. I hate them, but will take that over snow.
      Have a wonderful weekend dear friend.

  15. Oh, my! Your garden is amazing! I wish I had more knack, more time, more money, more of what you need to have a nice lush garden! We've been in a terrible drought, and my once pretty nice garden is pretty sad. (I know...preaching to the choir!) I feel guilty watering grass, but will water pots of flowers. Anyway, love your purple iris...my favorite flower, I think. Following you back!

  16. Thank you so much for your kind comments. We are having a drought also but I keep watering my flowers as I have so much money invested in them and it's taken me 25 years to get it where it is.
    I keep trying to follow you through Google, but they keep telling me to come back later - I don't know what is going on.
    Have a great weekend.

  17. Mary, Your garden is just beautiful! So many flowers in bloom, I love them all. Your garden should be in a magazine.I love the Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow plant. The flowers changing colors, so pretty. I love Waldo and Lily, I think they love when you take their photo. Just so cute! Thanks so much for always stopping by with your sweet comments. I always love hearing from you... Have a wonderful weekend in that beautiful garden of yours.

  18. Thanks so much for your wonderful compliments. That is such an honor since you are such a terrific gardener. There are so many more things that I want to do, but age has taken it's hold on me. I can't get on my knees anymore, get down and can't get up. I keep hoping that Waldo will help me up. LOL That Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow plant smells wonderful.
    Looks like a great weekend in store for us weather wise. Have a happy Spring weekend.

  19. Hello Mary! I'm so happy you visited my blog! And I'm so happy to visit your garden! You have flowers, like your irises and roses, that will not bloom for me until May or June. How wonderful it is to have a long growing season. I'd love to see more of your lavender and the differences between English, French and Spanish lavender. I love it and if I could, I'd tear out my grass and plant rows of lavender instead. I hope you have a great weekend!

    1. Thank you so much for your comments. Yes, we do have a long growing season and the roses were in bloom all winter because we had such a warm one. I'm not complaining, but it was hard to prune the roses back. Hopefully you are done with winter and Spring will be here before you know it. You sure have had a terrible winter.
      I will incorporate the different lavenders when I do another garden post. There is also a white lavender bush - hard to find.
      Enjoy your weekend.

  20. So pretty and so hopeful. We're a long way off from that kind of color in NY. Hope you'll share your post with Seasonal Sundays.

    - Alma, The Tablescaper

  21. Thanks so much Alma. I will be linking up with Seasonal Sundays.
    Have a wonderful weekend. Hopefully Spring will be there soon.

  22. Oh Mary...I envy you the warmth & sunshine...and FLOWERS!! It will be another month or more before we have any blooms here.
    I've never heard of a "today, tomorrow" plant...how unique. Amazing how the different areas of our country can have such wide variety of botanicals, huh?
    I carried calla lilies at my wedding & have tried to grow them here, without success. *sigh*

    Wishing you a very Happy St. Patricks Day!!


    p.s. You don't want REAL flamingos...they stink to high heaven....PPPPEEEEUUUUU!

  23. Happy St Patrick's Day to you too. I have my corned beef ready to cook on Monday, yum yum.
    Thank you for your nice comments. No I really don't need live Flamingo's - already have too many animals to take care of. The plastic ones will do fine.
    Hope you get some warm weather soon. We had 86 today and going to 90 tomorrow. Hope it doesn't stay like this until fall.
    Have a great Sunday.

  24. Oh Mary, your dogs look so sweet. :) Aren't they wonderful companions? Duncan is putting the "terror" back into Terrier, but hopefully, he will calm down.

    You have a wonderful array of flowers; it makes me wish I lived in California. I just think you can grow more things out there than we can here. I've never heard of that purple flower before, but it's so interesting and pretty. I LOVE your wonderful clumps of lavender; I've never had any luck with that here. Your iris are lovely; they are one of my favorite flowers, too. They come in such a variety of shades and colors, and they always remind me of a Monet watercolor for some reason.

    Thanks for sharing your beautiful flower garden with us; it does bring a breath of spring our way! I hope you have a wonderful weekend --visiting from Seasonal Sundays.

    Warm hugs,


    1. Thanks so much for your kind compliments. Yes, the iris does remind me of Monet's watercolors. He is my very favorite artist.
      I do love my spoiled rotten dogs, but they are so much company for me. Duncan is such a little cutie. My granddaughter has two Westies and they are sure full of it. Jack is about 10 and Skiddles is about 3 now.
      So you know who is the good one - Jack.
      Have a great week and hopefully Spring will be your way soon!

  25. Your flowers are stunning! Sure wish spring would hurry up and get here!

    1. Oh Susan what a winter you have had - I know you will do a happy dance when Spring arrives. Thanks for your compliments.

  26. The garden looks beautiful, so pretty! I agree with you, the Granny Purple iris are my favorites too and they rebloom, an added bonus. I like your flamingos, I think they are fun, and what is a garden if you can't have fun with it.

    I didn't get one of the Heard memorial roses, she was such an amazing women. I haven't been on one of the tours lately, but I will check it out for this year. Do you go to the garden show at South Coast Plaza? I always enjoy going.

    Have a great day and cross your fingers for more rain.

  27. Your garden is absolutely gorgeous. I am glad I stopped by. Best, Ron

  28. Beautiful flowers! Thanks for sharing at TTF!

  29. What a sweet face on that dog. I hope my face looks just as rapturous as his does when spring finally arrives here!

  30. Mary,
    Oh so pretty your yard and spring flowers. Ahhhhhh I just wanted to keep going over the pictures. I hope we see some kind of spring here in the Midwest soon. We actually are seeing the 80+ inches of snow melt and I see some of my lawn so I guess we are getting somewhere after this harsh winter. Your dogs faces are so adorable. Enjoy your beautiful weather.

  31. The flowers are so beautiful, Love the Iris, they are just so pretty, the color is so stunning, So glad your flowers bring you so much happiness, sorry to say my back won't allow me to grow and tend a lot of flowers, but the ones I have I do love...everything looks lovely and the doggys are sure enjoying this lovely weather, nice and warm...thanks for sharing...Phyllis

  32. I love your flower gardens. The flowers are all so beautiful and your little garden angels are so sweet, I love everything, especially the ducks. The lavender and the purple Iris are my favorites. You two sweet pets are adorable. Love this post!

    1. Thanks so much for your comments - I love reading them and seeing what flowers people like.
      Have a great week.

  33. Oh Mary.... WOW!!!
    Your flowers are just beautiful. How I would love to walk around your yard with you and visit....That Waldo just steals my heart. He would fit in quite well around here. :-) and Lilli..oh so sweet..
    I am such a lover of irises and roses and orchids too. There just are not enough adjectives to express all the beauty of your flower garden...I really enjoyed your pictures...and I envy your warm climate...
    Love, Mona

    1. Thanks so much Mona. You also have a lovely garden and I know you can hardly wait to see everything in bloom. We have had some wonderful weather here.
      Have a great rest of the week.

  34. Mary, I just love the sweet and cute faces of your Waldo and Lili. What a joy. Your garden is such a breath of fresh air and cheery colors. So much different than here in New Jersey where we had snow again yesterday. Spring is two days away but I am not sure if the earth is ready to wake yet. Your photos are beautiful and a delight. Thanks for sharing a little sunshine with us.


    1. I feel bad when I show my garden and all of you are having such a terrible winter. I hope that it goes away real soon.
      Thanks so much for you great comments. Have a wonderful week.

  35. Hi, Mary. Thanks so much for visiting and commenting on my purple table--I'm so glad you liked it. Thank you. I LOVE southern California, and when I see all that is in bloom in your garden right now I want to pack up and spend some time there! Your flowers are absolutely gorgeous! Every single one! I can't wait until we have some (we're still a good month or two away from that...) Thanks again, Mary! ~Zuni

    1. I hope that you get your Spring real soon. What a terrible winter you have had. Many thanks for you lovely comments.

  36. Oh my goodness, what beautiful flowers and yard. I love the lavender, it must smell wonderful walking by those huge plants.
    Thanks for the visit to my blog!

  37. Oh lucky you! All those gorgeous blooms and Roses, sigh....
    I love seeing Waldo and Lili, my girls just turned three and have grey around the eyes already. They too are my garden buddies, and they too hate the hose, haha!!
    I grew up in Southern Ca and remember the Santa Anna winds, wicked, hope you faired well...

    1. Thanks so much Bella for your lovely comments. Don't you have more than 2 dogs? I love my two they are so good.
      My yard is exploding with flowers - especially the roses and iris. And of course I had to go out and buy 6 -6 packs of flowers and 4 tomato plants. I am a plant hoarder LOL - I want the all LOL Now to get them planted.
      Have a lovely Spring weekend. Bet your garden is looking terrific now also.

  38. Hi Mary,
    I've to tell you: I'm an absolutely dog person. Yours are fantastic! And your garden is a dream. All the best from Austria and
    happy spring

  39. thanks you so much Elizabeth for you comments. Yes, I do love my dogs - there are my babies. I am your newest follower.
    Happy Spring.

  40. Your garden is so lovely. Spring is only beginning here and it'll be at least a month or two before the first rose and lavender will not show any bloom before June! Please hug Waldo and Lili for me! I'm going to look up for the French name of that amazing plant whose flowers change of colour.

    1. Thanks so much Magali for your sweet comments. I found that bush when I was on a garden tour many years ago. I asked the lady and she said yesterday, today and tomorrow. It is a shade plant and since I have no shade in the back yard I put it in a pot on the covered patio. I have had to put it in a larger pot and I will probably do that next spring. It blooms almost all year, but will drop all leaves and then come back.
      Waldo is my helper in all things. Lili is a diva, would rather sleep and if she thinks you re going to turn the hose on - she is back in the house in a flash LOL.
      Have a great week.

  41. Everything is BEAUTIFUL, but may favorite are the irises. They remind me of my father's iris garden when I was a child.

    1. My favorite is roses and the second is iris, third is foxglove and fourth is daisy's. But I do love all flowers.
      Your garden is also so pretty. Have a great week - hear we may get rain on Wednesday, I pray that we do.

  42. Your flowers are just beautiful...purple Irise was my mother's 2nd favorite flower...white Daisies were her 1st.
    No flowers blooming here yet but trees ARE blooming out all over town....
    OH NO, on the Walmart rug. Thanks for telling me. I'll just shake the dirt out of this little rug...it's also in a place where it won't be walked on much.

    1. Thanks so much for your sweet comments BJ. 'I have so enjoyed your journey with your new Summer House and I am so glad that you are happy there. Sometimes it's hard to sell your home that you have so many memories in. But now you will be making new memories.
      Have a great week.

  43. Hi Mary, What a beautiful rose garden! You are so blessed to live in such a wonderful climate. I am so glad you would share your springtime blooms so I could get my iris fix my dear.
    I came to thank you for your sweet words about my blog at Kris' (Junk Chic Cottage). I so appreciate you taking the time to make my day.
    hugs from here...

    1. Thank you so much June for your comments. I do love my roses and they are really blooming now. The front yard is going crazy because they were pruned first, but the back yard has buds.
      Have a great week June.

  44. Hi Mary, wow what beautiful flowers you have and you are so lucky to have warm weather. It was sunny today and a little warmer like 60 degrees and it felt like a heat wave and so nice! Lol! We had such cold weather here this winter. I love your garden and thanks so much for sharing it. Have a nice weekend and your dogs are so cute by the way!

    1. Thanks Julie for your comments. You all have had such a terrible winter, I pray that Spring is just around the corner. My garden is in full bloom, don't know what it will look like when we have to watch out water use. Guess I will be draining the wash cycle on the washer and carrying water to my plants.
      Waldo and Lili said thank you very much.

  45. Hi Mary! Oh, I'm sure your flowers are even more beautiful now! Thanks so much for popping in to see me.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

    1. The flowers are Shelia - took pictures Saturday and will hopefully doing a post soon.

  46. Oh my, what gorgeous flowers! Mary, you have a green thumb, no doubt about it! I love the purples, my favorite!!
    Have a great day~

    1. Thanks so much for your kind comments. There is a lot I can't do anymore, due to age but I keep a close eye on things and have the gardeners plant for me. I was a bad girl yesterday, went to the Nursery and purchase a few Cottage Garden plants. Now to get them planted.
      Have a great week Nancy

  47. Mary, I can't wait to meet you! We like so many of the same things, even flowers. I wish my flower garden looked like yours. I could learn a few things about gardening from you, that's for sure. I am now in the market for a pretty red rose but haven't found what I want yet. Irish Hope is the only rose that has really grabbed my attention...and I've decided I want either a red or yellow rose for right out front.
    PH hauled one of my containers of Easter decor inside last night, but it might just go right back outside. :)
    I enjoyed walking through your garden with you. I am so behind in my visits.. My little Mele is getting gray too..and I hate to see her showing her age. Our dogs are such a big part of our lives, aren't they? :)

    1. Yes, my dogs are a big part of me life. If anyone was outside listening to me they would think there was another person in the house LOL.
      I still have Easter decorations sitting around that I have not decorated with yet. The plastic box is still sitting on the chair where I unpacked it. BUT, my goal is to finish by Wednesday.
      I was at the nursery yesterday and they had a stunning red rose, I do't know the name but it was sure pretty. I ordered two new ones - Yellow - Julia Child's and a red one - Dick Clark. I believe they are new this year. I haven't received them yet. I have a stunning yellow one called St Patrick's - it's kinda green and then it turns a beautiful yellow. Look them up on Jackson and Perkins web site.so you can see them.
      I am planning on a visit probably next week, but will let you know to be use it's okay.
      Have a great week Mona.

  48. Everyone must stop and admire!
    I can't wait!! Blooms.. blooms and more blooms.:)

    1. Yes, people do stop on their way to the park. I live on a dead end street that butts up to a park. I even have people come to the door and ask if they can cut some flowers - I keep clippers by the door so I go out and pick bouquets for them. Last Mothers Day a young man came by and wanted some flowers for his mother, so I cut a bouquet for him and he reached into his pocket and came out with some money and wanted to pay me, but I didn't want any money. I just wanted his mother to enjoy the flowers.
      A couple of neighbors just stop by and pick their own as I told them to help them selves when ever they needed flowers.
      Have a great week and I hope you get your blooms soon.

  49. Mary,
    I enjoyed seeing all the flowers in your garden. The purple Iris is so pretty, and I can smell the lavender from here. It looks so nice in the front of your home. Your dogs are sweet, and I bet they keep you company in your garden. I smiled when I saw the roses, as they are special flowers to me. Your angels are lovely, and Jess would love the flamingos! Yes, So Cal hasn't had too much winter, has it?

    I'm glad spring has come to your area - it has also arrived here. The weather was very nice this weekend.

    Have a good week ahead, Mary.


    1. Thanks Sherri for your sweet comments. Yes the dogs love to be in the yard with me. I don't let them out front as I would still be chasing them LOL
      Just since I posted this last post the flowers have gone crazy - took lots of pictures Saturday so will have to load them. Do you live in CA?
      Have a great week Sherri.

    2. Yes Mary, I live in California, so I know all about how the sun shines here. There are some pretty places to see here and the most wonderful flowers. :~)

  50. I am sure Waldo thinks deep thoughts, he looks like he is. I like your vibrant colors in your garden, and that Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow plant is fascinating.

    1. Yes, Waldo has deep thoughts and he lets me know what he is thinking a lot. Thanks so much for stopping by - I love reading all my comments.

  51. Hi Mary,

    Well, I've been waiting for your spring post for quite a while and knew that I was in for a great surprise of stunning lovelies and am delighted to see just that! Your blooming garden is the most beautiful sign that spring has, at least in your neck of the woods, arrived, and with such vibrancy! What a gorgeous front yard you have, everything just sparkles in that California light, making the colours of your flowers beam brightly. I'm certain your canine cuties were the perfect little helpers, assisting you in achieving these fabulous results. Looking forward to your roses, (I know you have enough to fill all our hearts with spring sunshine)!

    Happy weekend to you!


    1. So glad that you had a wonderful vacation back home. I had wondered where you were.
      So glad that you enjoyed my post. The roses in the front yard are stunning with so many buds.
      The back yard will be starting in about a week or two and will do another post.
      Yes, Waldo is more of a helper than Lili.
      Have a great weekend.

  52. I love the dogs and your beautiful flowers :) Especially irises!

  53. Piękne kwiaty, słodki piesek ! pozdrawiam i życzę miłego weekendu! :)

  54. What an enjoyable visit! I really loved the garden tour. So many different flowers to see!
    Your yard is amazing!
    Thank you for the nice comment you left at Kris's blog for Saturday Spotlight Feature today. You made my day!

  55. thanks so much for your kind comments. I will be following your blog.

  56. Hi Mary! I'm so glad you popped in to see me today! Hope you've had a good weekend.
    Be a sweetie,

  57. Oh my goodness your flowers are absolutely gorgeous!!

  58. Hi Mary! I'm sure your flowers are even more beautiful today and your weather must be gorgeous. It's really warmed up around here. Thank you so much for popping in to see me, I love your visits.
    Be a sweetie,

  59. Many years ago I had a garden with irises. I miss them, but they won't grow here. Thanks for your wonderful photos.

  60. Mary, I bet you are busy, working in the yard. I can't wait to see more pictures of your gorgeous gardening. Have a great weekend. laurie

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