Wednesday, March 18, 2015


I am so sorry to be so tardy in posting lately.  But a lot of things have been happening in my life.  So grab a cup of coffee or tea or maybe you will need a glass of wine as I am trying to bring you all up to date on all my activities.

My son and granddaughter came down for Christmas, which was wonderful and we had a great time.
However, I knew what subjects would be brought up while he was here.  "Mom you need to sell the house and move up close to me".  I will not move as long as I can't take my dogs.  If you can find a place for me and them, okay.  Kelly needs you, blab blab blab.  Now you know darn good and well that she is going to be 13 and she is busy with school, her friends and joint custody with her mother.

I have been mulling around about down sizing, selling the cottage and renting a Senior apartment with just one bedroom, but would I be happy.  It would mean I would have to find homes for my beloved dogs.  To someone that would spoil them like I do and keep them together.  Get rid of all my dishes, silver ware and linens as I would not be doing table scapes anymore.  Decisions, decisions and more decisions.  Would I be happy in an apartment with no garden to putter around in - no roses?
These are things we think of as we age.  It would mean moving to Northern California.  Of course I would be close to my son and granddaughter, but they are always so busy.  No friends to have lunch with and go shopping,  I wish that I had a magic wand that I could wave and have everything taken care of.  But I know that God will lead me to the right path.

Sorry this sounds like a pity party -  I have been going through stuff, de-cluttering, throwing and giving stuff away.  At least now I have a dish room LOL  I took a hall closet and turned it into my dish room.  Put two large shelves with some of my dishes.  Please excuse the coat hangers as I didn't realize they were there.

That's not all my dishes, I do have quite a few in the kitchen cubbards and in the garage.  But it's a start.  I never knew I had so much stuff until you start going through closets and cubbards.

See that beautiful weather vein Rooster on the table, he was one of my Christmas gifts from my dearest friend Phyllis.  Plus 6 salad plates with Mr. Rooster on them.  Isn't he elegant and proud.

I have been having some health issues with my blood.  Apparently I have Factor V, which means that my blood is to thick and therefore I developed blood clots.  Getting my blood to the right thinness has been a challenge.  To the lab for blood tests every week,  My poor arms.  But, we are on the right track now.   Life is good.

Also my lap top computer finally gave up and now I have 3 computers A new lap top and a regular computer with monitor and all the other stuff and of course the one that came over on the Mayflower.

Just a few of my pretty roses to share with you.

This morning I was walking around in my garden looking at all of God's beautiful flowers and I thought how beautiful everything is.  The flowers are growing like crazy and my veggies are planted.

For those of you that are waiting for Spring, I thought that you would like a look at some of my pretty roses that have been blooming.

My roses in the back yard are full of buds and are ready to explode in brilliant colors.  I have a few iris, and Calle Lily's blooming also. The front yard roses have already bloomed and have been deadheaded for new growth.

My iris have started blooming and they are so pretty.

Here is my garden helper, Waldo.  He is always by my side, rain or shine, cold or hot doing our chores in the back yard.  He is starting to get gray, just like his mom.  Lili would not come out and play as she is a Diva and doesn't like her feet to get wet.

There he is smelling the flowers and checking things out.

This is one of my most favorite roses and can you believe it came from the 99 Cent store.

These petunias are from last summer and because we have had no winter they are still going strong.  They are a pretty magenta color.

Just a few of my pots that I replanted this winter.  My herbs and Santa Barbara Daisy.

The nasturtiums have taken over the back yard.  I need to thin them out, however they do add color to the garden.

These are some of my most favorite roses.

I always pick flowers Sunday morning for bouquets to bring into the house.  This is just one of the ones I picked last week.

This is a very pretty rose also.

Thanks so much for stopping by and I promise to post more as so many of you have asked why I was not posting.

Have a wonderful Happy Spring and hopefully winter has finally gone to bed.

Thanks so much for stopping by, Waldo, Lili and I love reading your comments.


Dwellings ~ Amaze Me Monday
      The Dedicated House ~ Make it Pretty Monday        
    Between Naps On The Porch ~ Metamorphosis Monday
A Stroll Thru Life ~ Inspire Me Tuesday
Coastal Charm ~ Nifty Thrifty Tuesday
Savvy Southern Style ~ Wow Us Wednesday
Ivy and Elephants ~ What's It Wednesday
No Minimalist Here ~ Open House Party Thursdays
Between Naps on the Porch - Tablescape Thursday
Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson ~ Share Your Cup Thursday
My Turn for Us ~ Freedom Fridays Blog Hop
Common Ground ~ Be Inspired Friday
The Thrifty Groove ~ Thrifty Things Friday

Rooted in Thyme - Simple & Sweet Friday


  1. You have so many decisions to make. The kind of decisions that will affect the rest of your life. You love, love, LOVE your dogs and your garden. How will your decision affect these loves, and although you may FEEL you have little time left, even another mere decade or two from now , how will you fare without dogs & gardens in your life ? Especially YOUR dogs, and YOUR garden ? I have thought about these very things, and have talked with aunts who are in their late 90's.... they still live on their own and have declared they will remain in their own homes.

    When the aunts considered the cost of living in "senior" places, they decided it was way more affordable to hire out the house-cleaning & gardening than the costs of "senior living" places.

    Yet, living close to beloved children & grandchildren can be a plus, IF the children & grandchildren are willing to be involved in your life more than an occasional visit when the mood strikes them. ( read ~ totally convenient for THEM ) Of course, family is very important and I know many adult children & their children are very loving and caring for their parent / grandparent. ( maybe they'll care for your beloved dogs so you can see them often when you're all together ? )

    So many things to think about and consider, but it looks like you're taking care of some of the practical things , like de-cluttering . I am too.

    Good post, and a post that made me do a bit of future thinking.

  2. Mary, Although we have been in touch via email it was nice to see a post from you here. I just can't imagine you going into senior housing-you don't "sound/feel/talk" like a You LOVE your gardens so much, too, that I can't imagine you not having them to putter around in.
    I hear you and I have been giving away and getting rid of stuff, too. I am a bit younger than you but I know I have way more than I need.

    Take good care of your health-in the end of it all-that is really the most important thing. I know your son is concerned about you but I also know that 13 year olds are just on the start of the journey with friends and the relationship changes between grandkids/grandparents. We are edged out a bit as they develop their own wings. It is nice that you have friends there to do things with, too. That is another thing that keeps us young-at-heart.

    God bless you- and you will KNOW when the time is right to downsize and/or move. I just don't think you are there yet. xo Diana

    1. You are such a dear friend Diana and I thank you for your sweet comments. Your right about being edged out as they get older. I saw that at Christmas time and she is so close to her farther, more so than her mother. Shaun is Mr. Mom and is so good with her. I would never live with them as I have been alone for over 30 years. I like being alone with my garden, cottage and of course my wonderful loving dogs.
      Thanks again for being such a wonderful blogging friend.

  3. Oh Mary, I feel for you! We all will be faced with life-changing decisions as we continue aging, and I will watch you on this path. I have one of six sisters (Mary is her name too) who lives in SC, while all her grown kids live in WV. They think she should move too, but she is staying put - where her friends are. You're right - your son and granddaughter have their own lives. As long as you have friends around you, your garden (so beautiful, thank you for sharing, as we won't see roses and irises here in WV for another 2 months or so), and your beloved companion pets, it would be very hard, it seems, to uproot all that. Purging is a great exercise, and I did that last year, hoping to continue this year. I have all my dishes organized, but would still like them better displayed, not just stored. I have a lot of common interests as you, so I will continue following you and keep you in my thoughts. I'm glad your health concerns seem to be under control - that always helps in keeping a clear mind for decision-making.
    Rita C at Panoply

    1. Thanks so much for your sweet comments. I really want to stay where I am in my cottage and when I can no longer take care of my self, then I will move to a retirement home. I just don't want to make friends and they are dying all the time, to depressing.for me. I have such a wide circle of friends, old, young and middle aged. Thanks so much for your support.
      Have a wonderful weekend Rita.

  4. Hi my love my personal opinión Don't move
    From your beautiful Cortage your live is goin to shange they need you but they not Thornton about you and your lífe son time family aré like that is not The time for you to go on one of those apt my friend live in one and is allway abulancia there and enegency
    All The time she is not happy you take care your self and enjoy your lovely Home whith your Dog and your garden
    And all your beautiful plate
    God Bless you

    1. Thank you so much Isora for your comments. I have been meaning to ask you how your mother is? I pray for her every night. I would hate an apartment and would have to have some sort of patio so I could putter around in the dirt. LOL I will not give up my dogs, as they are like my children.
      Have a wonderful weekend my friend.

    2. I lost my Mom February 11 the sane day that she was coming home from the Hospital she pass, I been so sad I miss her a lot. My dad is now with me he miss her so much they was together for 75 years she is with God and all the angel in pace
      Thank you for all your prayer your so special person

  5. Hi Mary, I do hope that everything works out with your situation with your son and granddaughter. I do hope that you take care of your health and feel better too. Waldo is adorable and I LOVE all of the gorgeous roses you shared today. Thanks for cheering me up since it's still so cold here. I walked Bosco and it was 30 degrees this morning! Take care of yourself.
    Julie xo

    1. Everything will work out and God will show me the way. I know my family loves me very much, but I just don't want to give up everything right now.
      So glad that you enjoyed the pictures of my flowers. I so enjoy being in the garden early in the morning.
      Have a wonderful weekend and maybe Spring will come quickly.
      Thanks again for your comments.

  6. Such beautiful flowers - we are just seeing the crocus come up, so there is hope for spring once again :-)

    1. Thanks so much for your sweet comments Vicki. Have a great weekend and thanks for stopping by.

  7. How nice to see you back and with such a 'newsy' interesting post. Your garden is looking lovely. I have the same color petunias in a couple of planters and they survived our non-winter too.

    I can relate to your relocation problem. Fortunately my children live close but I hate the thought of giving up my home and garden that I derive so much pleasure from...but, it is a lot to keep up so at some point I know I will need to down-size and make a change. So much depends on health. I hope that you can continue to stay in your home for a while yet.

    ...I got four new roses yesterday from the Antique Rose Emporium, they really send quality plants. Now to get them planted!

    1. I am anxious to see your roses in bloom. Which ones did you get? I sure hope we don't loose a lot of our garden with this water shortage. We don't need a bullet train, just some water plants.

      Your so luck to have you children close by and I hate the thought of giving up all my treasures that I worked so hard to get.

      Have a great weekend, at least it won't be boiling hot like last weekend. Thanks so much for stopping by.


  8. Do NOT, under any circumstances, give up your beloved DOGS! When you live alone the dogs become your best friends and you actually gain a peace from them that cannot be found anywhere else. Yes, it's easy for the relatives to say "move," however, it is not easy to do it, and leave everything you love behind. And, you're right, you won't see them often anyway, even if live a mile away. I'm on my own now so I know. Please listen to you heart and nothing else.

    1. Thanks so much Marsha for your understanding. You are so right and everyone says the same thing - DO NOT MOVE. So for now I'm staying put.
      Thanks again for stopping by and have a wonderful weekend.

  9. Hi Mary,
    I was so glad to see your post just now! Wow, your flowers are amazing. I love the roses, and the blue iris is so beautiful it doesn't even look real. Hard to believe you still have flowers hanging on from last year! It will be awhile before spring bulbs pop out of the ground here! I LOVE the pictures of Waldo! What a pretty boy. I do believe it looks like he's smiling in that first photo! I am so sorry that you've been having some health issues. I hope that things get under control, you must feel like a pin cushion. I hate the thought of you having to get rid of your beloved pups, and not having a garden. Why don't you tell your son that they need to move closer to YOU?! It just seems like so much to give up. I do hope and pray that things work out for you:)

    1. Thanks so much for your sweet comments, Donna. My son can't move down here because he has joint custody of his daughter and her mother would never permit that and I don't think that Kelly would be happy.
      He is just so worried about me being down here by myself. I have so many wonderful friends and neighbors that keep an eye on me.. I realize that there will be a time when I will have to go into an senior apartment and sell my house, but I am not at that stage yet. Under no circumstances am I ready to give up my dogs. I am all they have ever known and they are rescued dogs who didn't have a very good life.
      I feel great, it just take me longer to do things and I will when it's time.
      Thanks for being such a sweet dear friend. Hugs to Katie from Waldo and Lili.

  10. Hi Mary, I was so excited to see your post come through today. I know you are challenged by this one big decision to move but if it means giving up your precious fur babies, I know you will have to give that great thought and knowing you, I think you will stay in your lovely home. It is where you are happy to be among your treasures, putter in the garden and tending to your gorgeous roses. It is you and I just can't see you in a senior apartment closed in without a garden or your pups.
    I am sorry to hear about your health issue and I pray you will be doing better real soon and doctors can help regulate your bloods thickness.
    Your gardens are lovely and the roses are extra special. Waldo is just precious and I know Lili is a sweetheart too.
    Take good care my friend and enjoy the new season upon us. So good to see you!
    Love and Blessings be yours.
    Hugs, CM

    1. Thanks so much for your kind comments, they mean a lot to me. I am staying here until I feel that it's time to go into a Senior home or apartment. I would never leave my dogs unless I can no long care for them. I am all they know and it would take a great tole on them to be separated or go to a different home. As you have probably guess they are rotten, but very well behave and we know what we are thinking..
      Glad you like my roses and flowers. Have a wonderful weekend my friend.

  11. Hi Mary! I was thrilled to see you had posted and got us all caught up on your happenings. I will say a prayer for you that you'll make the right decision about whether to move or not. I know it's a big decision. You have such nice things and your gardens! Oh, my how beautiful they are. I love seeing your roses and nasturtiumsn were my hubby's mother's favorite flower. Thank you always for popping in to see me and your kind comments.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

    1. Thanks so much Shelia for your sweet comments. I had to thin out my nasturtiums as they were taking over. I really hated to do that but they were smothering my other flowers.

      I have decided that I am not going anywhere until I feel that I need to go into Senior living or a home.
      My dogs are getting older along with me and we are so comfortable with each other. Needless to say they are spoiled rotten.

      Have a great weekend Shelia, you are such a sweet person.

  12. What a beautiful area and yard. I love your dish room! I love dishes too, and have too many. In my opinion, I think it is very important to live near friends and pets. If you move north you will not have that, or your dear pets, and your family is busy. It takes a lot of effort to build new friendships. Good thing the doctors identified your blood problem relatively early!

    1. Thanks so much for your comments. I am also glad that the specialists found out why I was getting blood clots and we are treating my problem.
      I still have more dishes that I cannot get into the dish room in the garage. I need to get cracking and do some tablescapes post.

      I have decided to stay where I am at and I will know when it's time to move. Thanks for visiitng and have wonderful weekend.

  13. Mary,
    You sound extremely happy where you are. It is hard not to have family close by but I think you will know when that needs to happen. If you are in good health and really enjoying your life why rush leaving what you enjoy so much. Your garden is just lovely. Happy spring Mary!

    Amy Jo

  14. Hi Mary...nice to see you back!!....Such a hard decision...but I can say that being near family is the greatest thing...and you being you, will make new friends and I am sure the old ones will be visiting...but then again, sometimes you have to do what feels comfortable to you...The weathervane is glad you had a great holiday with friends and family....and hope that you will be posting your gardens soon...I love your roses..wish I could grow them here..but those darn deer love them!

  15. Hello Mary. Yours was the post above mine over at Have A Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson. It caught my eye because it said So. Cal.... same as me, so I just had to pop over! :)
    I see you are in Fullerton! So close!! I am in Corona. I am so loving our weather this week. Aren't you? Of course, Fullerton is always cooler than Corona. Several things in your post I wanted to comment on: Where to start? Your dogs are darling. I certainly would not give them up to move to a place where your family is busy, busy. Several years ago my cousins begged my dad to move my Aunt Phyllis (yes Phyllis -smile) from North Carolina here to So. Cal and into their home. He did. They found they had no time for her and asked she be moved into a "home". We helped find a nice place for her, and then they abandoned her. Of course this is an extreme situation, but it was so sad. My sister, brother and I took on the responsibility and got to know her and visited her frequently before she passed on. She really appreciated it, but she was also sad for her kids and grandkids not caring. If you have a good support system (friends and joys) as it sounds like you do, I would not take them lightly. I pray this helps - - - not too overbearing for a first time visit (?).
    I love that Rooster plate. He looks so strong! The computer from the mayflower...bwahahaha! Your roses are too pretty? Have you been on the Herds Garden Tour before? It is always the first weekend in May and such fun! I do not garden myself... but I love visiting them or being blessed with flowers.
    I will copy/paste a bit of the email I sent out last year as a SECOND POST because apparently this post is too long and not being accepted :)
    Here is a fun at home garden craft you can do... especially if your granddaughter comes back for an Easter visit. I found it on another blog and like sharing w/those who like to garden (again, not me -smile).
    Please do stop by my blog and enjoy a cup of spring tea with me! Perhaps we will meet in person one of these days!
    A quick prayer for you: Dear Lord, I lift up Mary to You Heavenly Father. I ask you to guide her decision to stay or to move. Please bless her with wisdom and please direct her family as well. Give them a peace for her to make the best decision and not give her undue stress about it. I pray Your very best for her and her doggy loves. Thank You for this brief opportunity to meet her in blog-land and lift her up. We love You and praise You Lord. Thank you for Springtime blessings too! In Jesus name, Amen.
    Hugs and a cup of tea,
    Heather Elizabeth

  16. PART TWO from above post :)
    The Mary Lou Heard Memorial Garden Tour 2014. WEBSITE INCLUDING PHOTOS
    The yearly self-guided charity event will take place on Saturday, May 3 and Sunday, May 4 from 10 am to 5 pm. {Note: some gardens are not open both days - check the newsletter 1st}. Tour guests will be treated to a fabulous selection of 43 residential gardens from Long Beach to San Clemente.
    The 2014 MLH garden tour guide is available now at our sponsoring nurseries & you can also download and print your own copy of the guide from our Photo Gallery page. Your donation is simply - a gift from the heart. Your donation will go to The Sheepfold. This Christian ministry charity organization that serves and shelters women in crisis and their children. No price will ever be put on viewing the gardens. Let your heart dictate and let those who can dig down deep. Each home will have a donation table (but you need only give at one as all proceeds are added together). Cash or checks will be gratefully accepted.
    IF YOU ARE INTERESTED, THE BEST WAY I HAVE FOUND IS TO DO SOME SERIOUS ADVANCE PLANNING! Download the newsletter when available. Look at the online photos to see if they suit your taste. Check the detailed google map that pinpoints each garden to check a realistic route. Wear walking shoes & sunscreen. Take water & sack lunch and camera. Dress cute because the photo ops are UH-mazing! ;)

  17. Oh Mary, I totally understand what you're going through. Many of us as we get older want to be close to the kids, but at the same time close to the families that we grew up with and close to our friends. I will tell you that northern California is so beautiful (we get all the seasons), and less crowded than So. Cal., but some areas in Nor Cal are busy too, like San Francisco and such. Living in a senior apartment close to your son might be nice. But I know how much you love gardening and your roses, and going to lunch with friends. Oh, such a hard decision to make.....I feel for you, but I do know that you have done the best thing and asked God to guide your way.

    Now, about your roses......they are beautiful, especially the red and pink ones. I can see why you don't want to leave your dogs. This picture of Waldo is precious. I'm so sorry to hear about your health issues, and I'll be saying a prayer for you. I love the white rooster that Phyllis gave you, and I always enjoy seeing bits of your home.

    Please e-mail me and let me know what part of Northern California you may move to because if it's close to me, we could visit and you won't feel so alone once you get there.

    Have a beautiful weekend, Mary, and I truly loved this post very much.


  18. It seems like you have very difficult decisions to make. Maybe it's too early to make them?
    I enjoyed seeing your roses very much: mine don't have buds yet, though spring is arrving to Brittany.
    Thinking of you, Lili and Waldo.

    1. I have decided to stay as long as possible in my little cottage with my dogs and flowers. I think I will know when it's time to go to a senior home.
      Thanks for your sweet comments. Happy Spring

  19. Oh, Mary, I hear your pain. On one hand it is so wonderful that we have a child that cares enough about us to want us safe, but after living a full life it would be so hard to give up your independence. I feel so fortunate that I have my dear husband or I know I would be hearing from my daughter. It always has to come to this but time goes by way too fast and it seems to happen much sooner than we are ready for. Your roses and flowers are just beautiful. I remember when we lived in Santa Cruz how pretty the garden was almost all year, but here in the Sierras, it is so beautiful, but gardens don't look too pretty in the winter. Take care, Mary, and you will make the right decisions for you and those beautiful doggies..Happy Spring Day..Judy

    1. Thanks for your sweet comments. Everyone says stay in your home as long as you can. I divorced when Shaun was 5 years old and he got married when he was 25, so I have been on my own for a very long time and I am just not ready to throw the towel in. I know once I move to an apartment it will be down hill from there. I do stay busy and when I don't feel great, just take it easy and move at my own pace.

      We are going to get high temps again next weekend, which I am not looking forward to, but it's better than freezing and snow.\

      Enjoy your first Spring weekend and thanks again.

  20. What you need to do is what would make YOU happy, not what is the most convenient thing for others. Go with your gut. I would be crushed to have to get rid of my dishes. Maybe later I wouldn't be, but I'm going to go down swinging, and I think you should too.

  21. Your are so right, I am going to do what I want to do as long as I am able. There will come a time when I can't and then other people can decide for me. I just know if I move up there I won't be seeing them all the time, nor do I expect them to. But, at least here I am surround with all of the thing that I worked hard to get and that I love.
    Thanks so much for your sweet comments.

  22. Hi, Mary..thanks for stopping by with a nice comment.
    It is very hard to pack up a lifetime of things and make a move. We did it last year when son wanted us to sell our house and move into his pretty pool house. We prayed about it for awhile before making a decision and then ....we just did it. It is wonderful...
    I pray you will make your decision and do whatever God leads you to do. When we follow HIM, we can't go wrong.
    You do have to open your mind up to new things...and sometimes when we are older, it's hard to make a change. I know you will make the right choice.

    1. Thanks BJ for your sweet comments. I think I have finally decided to stay in my home for a few more years if health permits.
      Have a wonderful week.

  23. OH, your flowers are stunning! I can't wait for warmer temps here! Waldo is adorable! It sounds like you have hard decisions to make...I know you'll do the right thing! Hope you feel better soon :)

    1. Thanks so much Susan for your comments. How is your mom doing? I hope she is well and her cancer is gone.

  24. Dear Mary,

    YAY!! A post, and what a pretty post it is, with all your gorgeous roses, iris, petunias, and nasturtiums, each one thriving from a whole lot of TLC from its 'mummy'! You have such a green thumb, my friend, and I am worried that moving to a senior apartment, without your lovelies to look after, may get to be a bit too much for your spirit, that, and of course, not being able to have your fur babies by your side. Also, you have your friends, with whom you do lunch, and check out all those amazing shops and warehouses you've posted about. I know that you will make the decision that is right for you; it's in your heart, but your soul needs to agree.

    Mary, I'm so relieved to hear that you are doing better with this recent health challenge re: your blood. My goodness; what took so long for them to get you on the right track? No matter, the important thing is that you are on the mend!

    Your dish closet is a place I'd like to hang out in. I'd help you do a themed tablescape, and I'd start things off with that beautiful weather vane rooster and plates. You have some charming crockery!

    So happy to hang out at your place for a change! Looking forward to dropping by again, real soon!

    Take care and wishing you a wonderfully bright and sunny week ahead!


  25. Mary your garden looks so pretty. Love seeing the beautiful blooms. My mom just moved into senior living from her home and loves it. She is so happy to not have the upkeep of a house. She was able to take her dog with her so all is good. She was never into gardening so since you are Mary I think living in senior living might not be a good choice for you. I know you will figure it all out. Have a great start to the week. Mary I am going to see if I can sign up for your posts to come into my email. I have not been getting any posts from you of late. Will try again.

  26. Hi Mary! I'm still jealous over your gorgeous flowers! :) Thank you so much for popping into see my new curtains.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  27. Mary, I have missed your posts! Deciding what to do as we grow older is a difficult decision. Your home and gardens are so gorgeous and it is hard to give them up. I know that we may need to do the same thing some day. I want to garden as long as I am able. I clearly remember when my sweet mother became too old to do it. She would sit on a chair and watch as I planted flowers for her. Although she was unable to get her hands into that dirt and dig it did seem to bring her some happiness. I agree that God will help direct you and even if you end up in an apartment you will make it your home sweet home. You need to read the post at Nancy's " A joyful Cottage". It's about how Linda created her mothers one room living space into something simply lovely. Your dogs are sweet and your roses are absolutely gorgeous! Just trimmed mine and can't wait to get blooms! You will be in my prayers my friend!

    1. I think I replied by email, but can't be sure LOL to much on my mind. Thanks so much for your great comments. I always like to comment back on all blogs that I read. However, so many blogger do not EVER comment.
      Have a great week.

  28. Mary, you certainly do have a green thumb! Your garden blooms are just fabulous! God's always there directing our path, so I know your choice will be the right one.
    Hugs for you and the doggies,

  29. Oh Mary - what difficult decisions you need to make - those babies - OMG those ( fur ) babies are gorgeous !!!
    That award winning garden !
    But our children are also our gardens, aren't they?
    Much love.

  30. Mary, you sure are in the middle of tough and life changing decisions but always follow your heart. It is difficult to be alone but if health issues are a concern, then it is always a good idea to be near family. I do hope that your health improves and that you find a solution that will keep your soul happy. I would hate to part with my beloved pooch. That is just too difficult for me.

    You also have such a pretty and cozy garden. Your flowers will miss you too much my friend.



    1. Thanks Janet for your kind comments. I am going to stay as long as I can in my home and when I can no longer take care of myself and dogs - then I will move.
      Have a great week.

  31. ...just checking in to see how things are going with you.....hope all is good.
    we are having wonderful weather here on the Plains of West Texas...
    have a good Sunday.

  32. Hi Mary! I'm waiting to hear what you do one of these days! I love your pretty roses so much. Thanks for being such a loyal blogging friend and always coming over for a visit. Happy Easter!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  33. Mary, that must have been a sight for you today seeing the hummingbirds. They are truly my beloved bird, but whenever I see one, it flies away so quickly. I wanted to plant some flowers that attract the hummingbird - do you know which ones they like? It would be a dream to see one in my back yard sit and stay awhile while I take pictures of it.

    Have a wonderful Easter, Mary.

    love, ~Sheri

  34. Wishing you the best of luck on making some tough choices right now.
    It's hard to know just what to choose sometimes, esp. when our choices affect so many different aspects of life.
    It would be impossible for me to leave my sweet Rowdy {my sweet dog}.

    Thank you for your visit today. I appreciate you taking time to read and comment.

    Thank you also for all the beautiful pictures that you've shared with us!! It's not so green and sunny here.... yet. Spring is taking it's time getting here.
    Love all your beautiful flowers!!

    Have a happy week.


  35. Thank you so much for the advice and support you gave on my last post Mary! Yes it is Type 2 and I am on a no carb diet and Metformin. Your roses are beautiful, what a great idea to bring them in on Sundays!

  36. Hi Mary! Im a new reader and just stopped in to see how you and those beautiful doggies are doing on this holiday weekend?

  37. Thank you for stopping by my front porch and for following! So nice to make a new friend! I am sure enjoying all your beautiful flower pictures!

  38. What a lovely garden you have! Our snow just melted and the only thing blooming in my yard is a few faint crocuses. I am hoping for an explosion of color very soon, until then I can peek at your garden. :)

  39. Mary, your roses are gorgeous! You are so blessed to be where the weather is so warm. It will be a couple of months before we have your beauty here in Michigan. I am praying for your health and that God will continue to give you wisdom if you have to make decisions.
    love and blessings~
    Lynda @ Gates of Crystal

  40. What a lovel;y post and what a super house you have.. downsizing is what we all imagine we want to do as we get older, but do not go where you have no friends to visit or people to see, you will be too lonely... and can you really see yourself happy in one room in a shared home? I think it would be very hard for an independent soul like yourself to cope with.. Your garden is looking lovely, here over the pond it is still cold and they flowers are just starting to come out.. already mid April and the winds are blowing hard. The sun shone today, but the rain was heavy afterwards... loved looking at your flowers and your lovely dogs.. we have two as well.. '

  41. ..just coming by to say hello and hope all is well in your world.

  42.'s so great to see you post! I so enjoyed pictures of your home and garden and pups! I may have forgotten, what sort of dogs are they...Waldo looks like a Border Collie a bit.

    It sounds like your son misses you but you're right...they are in the midst of their own lives and you have friends and life of your own. I also think you are doing so great with being independent and fulfilled. I simply can't give you advice but please, don't stress out over it. Take everything day by day, enjoy life and chill! That's the tonic, right?

    Love and hugs to you. Keep up the posting! :)

    Jane xx

  43. Your dogs are beautiful and so are your flowers

  44. Your dogs are beautiful and so are your flowers

  45. Hi Mary, glad to hear all that you've been up to. Your dogs are so sweet and your roses are just gorgeous. I think you're approaching the future the right way. You're depending on God to guide you, and that's what we all should do. He will let you know when the time to move is right. Love seeing your garden, hugs and blessings, Debra

  46. Mary, your flowers are just beautiful! Your dogs are so sweet looking, what treasures. I know you will know when the time is right. Enjoy your life now, to it's fullest!

  47. Mary, I'm so glad to see you posted and sorry that I missed it for a few weeks. Like you, my life hasn't been conducive to playing on blogs lately. It sounds like you have been doing a lot of soul searching but it also sounds like you might not be ready to move. Only you can make that decision...don't let someone else do it for you. :)

  48. Hi Mary! Thank you so much for popping in to see me. I sure wish I had your green thumb as my backyard is just plain nekked! :) I'm sure I'll figure it out sooner or later.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  49. Hi Mary...well...will you LOOK at this gorgeous post!!! I am delighted you finally did one..but I can't say a word. I haven't been good at posting either. :) your yard and home are just adorable! I 'm up here papering away. My wall paper came today and the hanger should be here this week. Wish me luck. With my knee acting up...I hope I can get that stuff moved for him.
    G'night. It's time I went to bed.

  50. Hi Mary! I love your garden and all the flowers you posted. I'm amazed how creative God is with the flowers for us to enjoy.This year I didn't get petunias for my garden but will next. How cute is Waldo! If he stops to smell tells you how much he loves his momma's garden:) I'm glad that your blood work turned out well. Hugs to you, Pingxoxo

  51. Good to see you back Mary. Wow your garden is in full swing, love the roses and your china cabinet is full of pretties. I can understand why you didn't want to move in an apartment. I can imagine how dreadful would it be without a garden. And poor Lilli and Waldo, where would you be leaving them? Its good to have your independence and enjoy your garden. Hope you are feeling better interns of your health.
    Welcome back and hope you are having a good weekend.

  52. Hi Mary..I missed this..
    I gather you have decided to far are you from your son?
    I have been told that when my Littles will be teens..things will change..
    Just be is a huge thing..hope all that gets settled..pets are lovely companions seem to lead a rich life. Friends..pets..gardens..home..
    I wish you's not all it was cracked up to be..getting older..retiring..
    But there is a spring in your step:) much to be grateful for!
    Take care...

  53. Mary, 12 hummingbirds? Oh my, that must have been a sight! I get excited when I see 1 hummingbird, how wonderful and very special to be able to see 12. Tell them I said hello and they are my beloved bird.


  54. Hi Mary! Hope you're doing well and I always love your visits. Have you made up your mind what you're going to do? I'm here cheering you on!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  55. Dear Mary,
    I just saw your blog for the first time. I connected through a friend's site. I love your garden and your dogs. I have 2 dogs also. I don't know what I would do without them. They were by my husbands side when he passed. Several people have told me to move into a condo or mobile home. That's not for me. My mother lived in her home with a lot of land. She couldn't work in her garden like she used to but she would go out when they were there to cut the grass and she would cut roses to bring in the house. She was able to stay there until she was 90. I'm not close to 90 but I'm not ready to give up all my things from my grandparents and parents to live in a 3 room house with no yard. And, I would never give up my dogs. At some point I believe I will know and you will too. Your flowers are beautiful! Be well.

  56. Mary,
    I think de-cluttering seems to be the theme in Blogland this year.... My One Little Word for 2015 is LIVE and to do that i have been de-cluttering my life , both in things I own and in things that i had gotten involved in ( volunteering) that has caused me a lot of stress.
    Even though we live in a Townhouse, we plan to downsize to a 2 bedroom apartment in about 10 years. I am tired of maintaining a house and having to pay for all that maintenance.
    Good luck to you on your decision......

    Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by this morning!!


  57. Mary,
    Your gardens and home are lovely. I read your words and felt your love for your dogs and your current life. No one can advise you of what choice would work best for you. I like to approach difficult times and decisions with an open mind day by day. Your answer will arrive at the right time for you.
    I appreciate your visit and comment on my Spotlight post on Junk Chic Cottage. It's always a delight to meet bloggers I wasn't aware of. I'm now following you.

  58. I'm so glad to hear you are well! Sometimes we worry when a blogger doesn't post for awhile! You have so many beautiful flowers/plants. I know it would be quite hard to move and not be able to have a garden. I will be praying for you in the weeks and months ahead! Enjoy Sunday!

  59. Hi Shelia! Oh, I thought, who is that pretty lady on the comment at my blog and looked and it was you! OH, aren't you so very pretty!! Hope you're doing well and have a beautiful week.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)
