Friday, April 1, 2016


First, I hope that everyone had a wonderful Easter.  I am hoping that everyone is experiencing some beautiful Spring weather.

As we get olden things take longer to accomplish than when we were young, so therefore "Where Does Time Go?  I make lists and then check them off as I complete them.  When I looked back through my camera I realized that I haven't posted since the first of February.  So here goes some of my fun travels (not far) baby shower and my garden.....

This was a day venture to Huntington Beach and Long Beach with a dear friend.

We got hungry smelling the wonderful ocean air and wanted some Mexican Food.  The El Torito in Long Beach.

Here I am holding up the wall as I was starving LOL

We were seated right away and did not want the buffet, just some munchies........

Street Taco's, we shared and this plate full of nacho's

After lunch we headed over to the Marina at Long Beach into Sunset Beach and back out to Pacific Coast Highway.  It was a stunning day and so many people at the beaches.  I could not get over  how
built up it had become.

All these beautiful condo's upstairs with a spectacular view of the ocean - oh to live there WOW

This Hyatt Regency is located on the corner of Pacific Coast Highway and Beach Blvd.  It has a spa and all the other amenities you could possibility wish for.

 It was getting close to dusk and here comes my humming birds wanting their dinner before bedtime.  They come at day light wanting food as they have been sleeping for so many hours.  It is something to see all those hummers flying around wanting their breakfast and dinner.  Of course they fly in and out all day eating.
Not a very good picture as it was getting late.  This was before day light savings time.  I have about 20+ each morning and night.  I had to go out and purchase another feeder as there were so many.
I make about 12 cups of nectar per day.  It is slowing down since a lot of flowers are in bloom.

This is a handmade quilt that I made for Janie - sorry it is not a very good picture.  Of course I forgot to take a picture after I finished it.  It has ballerina's dancing.  I also crocheted a throw for Sophia in pink.

We had some great Mexican food, but it was sure HOT..  Janie got a lot of nice gifts for Sophia.  Baby is due April 9th.

The dew on my nasturtiums and they are so pretty this year.  I am sure the rain had a lot to do with it.  They are everywhere. in yellow, orange and a variegated yellow and white.  Many years ago I planted 6 here and there in the backyard and now they are all over and some have made it into the front yard thanks to the birds.

Here are some more of my nasturtiums with my Lavender Marguerite bush, rose bush which is full of buds.

All most all of my iris have turned back to purple.  I had some different colored ones and this is the first time that this has happened.  Anyone know why?

More nasturtiums and my Rosemary Bush  I always have fresh rosemary for cooking.

My yellow orchid in bloom - first one this spring.

Chicago Peace Rose, it is in the front yard and is a climber cover my arch leading up to the front.

Look who is peaking under the gate wanting to come out front so I can chase him all over the park LOL

This is my newest iris and the color is stunning kinda of a rust color - this picture does not do it justice.

My iris bed just starting to bloom

The Easter Bunnies setting on the bench with their eggs,  Peter looks like he is very tired.  They need to be put away for another year

My Santa Barbara Daisy's in a pot by the front steps.  They really spread very nicely and look great in a arrangement.

Excuse the hose didn't realize it was there.  This is Waldo my Border Collie and he loves to photo bomb my pictures.

This is one of my most favorite roses.  Don't know the name of it as I purchased it at the 99 cent store.  It never disappoints me.

This is how I feel after a busy day of chores..

My flowers are so pretty this year and have bloomed early due to the hot weather we have been having.  I understand that next week it will be in the 90's again.  At least it cools off at night.

I hope you have enjoyed seeing my garden.  It's not the way I want it but at my age it's hard to get out there and kneel and do what  I want. I have new gardeners and they are doing a wonderful job.  It will take time for them to know how I like things.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Please stop by and leave a comment as Waldo and Lili like to hear all about them.



  1. I am so glad you and your friend had a day out...enjoying a bit of Mexican food and a drive along the water. How beautiful!!!!
    Mary- Your gardens are just spectacular. You can tell that you have nursed and cajoled them into producing such beauty in your yard. You have certainly done a great job over the years. I am glad you are getting some gardening help now though. That way someone can do the heavy work and you can have the joy of cutting blooms and just plain enjoying the gardens.
    Love your photo-bomber, too.
    Take good care, Mary. I have to catch up with you one day soon. xo Diana

    1. Oh Diana, so glad that you had time to stop by and smell my flowers LOL. I do love my garden and when I sell it, it will very hard. I carried in over 200 pavers to make patios and walkways. When I was busy with work I would put on my snake light and work in the dark, crazy me.

      Waldo loves to photo bomb my pictures, he love to have his picture taken. Will have to do a post about him.

      Have a great day and regards to John.
      Lots of hugs.....


  2. Oh my golly, Mary - I cannot believe all your flowers. WOW - just wow! I cannot imagine having that - I live in the suburbs but have woods all around me and boy oh boy oh boy do we have a deer problem. There are few plants they won't gobble up - roses they love for one - so I just cannot ever grow much but greens and herbs, which (anything that has a strong scent they don't like) so they leave lavender and marigolds and most strong herbs such as basil and rosemary alone. Crazy deer, they taste yummy, haha.

    Waldo is adorable - the quilt is awesome - you have been a very busy lady!

    I cannot imagine it being in the 90s this early! I just put something out in my covered patio in my barefeet and had to hurry 'cuz it is very chilly and my feet were freezing!

    Thanks for sharing all your adventures, too. Happy April, happy weekend and happy spring!

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by Michelle. So glad that you liked my garden. I was out giving them fertilizer this morning in the front yard and took lots of pictures just of the front. Most of the pictures were from the back yard.
      We have been having beautiful weather here. I sure hope it's not going to be a HOTTER than heck summer, can't take the high heat.

      I try to keep active, you know the saying use it or loose it and i sure don't want to loose what little I have left.

      Enjoy your weekend and thanks so much for stopping by.

  3. Mary I am so happy to see your post show up on the dashboard I enjoy your photo essays. I am glad you held up that wall, lol. Mexican restaurants are always such happy places and I love the plates at your spot. I was at the shore on Easter, we took my Grand Gabrielle out for dinner at the Lobster House. Not a traditional Easter meal but yummy.

    Your quilt you made is pretty Ahh ballerinas are always perfect and inspirational for little girls. Lovely gift and a blanket too! Very generous loving gifts of your time Mary.

    All your flowers are simply amazing, you nuture nature beautifully. But of all your photos the one I enjoyed most was your guy peeping under the gate.

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by Vera. I do try to keep busy, meeting friends, out to lunch and going to the movies.
      I keep my hands busy while watching TY otherwise I fall asleep.
      So glad that you liked my garden. Will do a post about the front yard roses soon.

      Enjoy your weekend, hope the weather is good.


  4. Mary,
    This post left me gasping!! So much eye candy!! Your garden is outstanding!! So many beautiful flowers!! I can pass on the 90 degree heat though. I am no lover of heat!! Our weather here in NEPA is crazy. It was 70 degrees yesterday and on Sunday, we will have low's on the 20's with a dusting of SNOW!!! But that is normal for April here.
    Thanks so much for stopping by! I so enjoyed seeing your lovely garden and it has given me inspiration for when I can finally do some planting in our little back yard!!

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by Debbie and glad that you liked my garden. It is a beautiful day here today with temps in the high 70's. So sorry that your are still having snow and cold weather.

      Have a great weekend.

  5. Your garden is gorgeous and what a haven for the hummingbirds too! Wish you lived close by to give me a few tips. Thank you for the lovely tour of Long Beach and of your garden too. Have a wonderful weekend and give your darling dog a kiss from me.

    Big Texas Hugs,
    Susan and Bentley

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by Susan. So glad that you liked my post. The hummingbirds keep me hoping making their food. I go through about 6 lbs of sugar a week. To attract them you need a feeder with a lot of red on it and a perch that goes all around the feeder. I mix 2 cups of hot water to 1 cup of sugar, let it cool and refill their feeder. I always wash them really good so there is no fungus or mold growing. Then sit back and they will come. I could watch them all day, they are such busy little birds.

      Waldo and Lili send their regards to Bentley.

      Have a wonderful weekend and thanks for stopping by.

      Hugs from So CA
      Mary, Wldo and Lili

  6. Hello Mary,
    Wow how fun to spend the day out with your friend and eat at a Mexican restaurant. I LOVE your gorgeous garden and flowers! Yes I'm glad you have gardeners to take care of it all. Say hi to Waldo and Lily from me and Bosco. LOL. Take care and stay cool. We are expecting snow showers tomorrow! Crazy weather for us.
    Hugs, Julie

    1. So glad that you enjoyed by post on my garden. Some of those pictures were from the end of February and into March. I just run out of time and think that I don't have anything interesting to say, so that is why I don't post a lot.

      I do try to go out and have some fun with my friends. Always something to do, places to go and fun to be had.

      Waldo and Lili said to say hi to Bosco. Bet he will be glad when Spring really comes.

      Have a wonderful weekend by friend.

  7. Time may be flying but you certainly know how to have a good time and I see lots of joy in this wonderful post. Your garden is spectacular! Oh, far too soon for flowers here so I'm savoring yours! That iris in particular took my breath away!

    1. So glad that you stopped by to see my garden and all the crazy things I do. I try to not let the grass grow under my feet. There will be a day when I can't, so try to live each day to the fullest. I adore being in my garden, seeing all my flowers and just puttering around.

      Have a wonderful weekend and my wish for you is that Spring will come your way soon.


  8. Hi Mary I'm so happy to see your blog is been long time me too look like you have nice time with your friend your garden are so beautiful I give my live to be there and enjoy your beautiful flower around your garden ,Waldo and Lili are so cute I love the way his looking under the gate
    Have blessing day

  9. Thanks so much Isora for stopping by. So glad that you liked my garden and my outings with my friend.

    Have a wonderful weekend and hopefully your weather is good.

  10. Your garden is absolutely gorgeous! I am "green" with envy...ha! The munchIes you shared with your friend looked me some Mexican food.

  11. Oh my goodness, your garden is totally amazing. I love your roses and so many pretty flowers.

  12. Thanks so much for stopping by Marty. So glad that you liked my flowers.

    Have a wonderful Sunday.

  13. Your garden is absolutey stunning. You have so many different kind of roses, it's like a "roseraie".

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving a comment. I do love roses and I lost some last summer due to the drought. Hopefully we will get more rain this year. They are predicting rain later this week, just hope that we get it.

      Have a great week.

  14. Love your flip flops and lipstick!
    You have such a nice friendly face:)
    I cannot believe you care for and nurture all those beautiful blooms..
    Your roses..rosemary..nasturtiums..we are just coming out of snow..I have started seeds indoors..but we are not in the gardens yet.
    I would pick a bouquet of roses every day at your home..and sladas w/ rose petals and nasturtiums..
    love the quilt and afghan too:)

  15. Hi Mary, so great to see your post in my inbox. I am on a bit of a blog break but wanted to stop in and say hello. Love the fun you've been having and enjoying great times with friends. Looks like a special time with your friend at the Mexican restaurant and drive. You look beautiful and that color blue is gorgeous on you Mary.
    Your garden is spectacular and you sure have a special showing for springtime. I can see you put a lot of love and care into your blooms and it shows.
    Enjoyed seeing all your pics and the quilt and crocheted throw is stunning. Give Waldo a big puppy hug from me. He is so sweet.
    Happy Spring Mary and blessings always. xo

  16. Ahhhhh Mary love seeing your pretty roses. So beautiful. I hope we will start to see some flowers here soon in the Midwest. Glad you had such a wonderful time with your friend and Mexican is always a must. Yum!
    You look so cute holding up that wall lol!
    Have a great week.

  17. Mary, I love seeing your garden! It is always a delight to the eyes. And oh my, those street tacos look so yummy. You did a great job of holding up that wall. lol!

  18. There is no way I could count the number of times I drive through the intersection of PCH/Beach Blvd, a special place filled with great memories. Your garden is absolutely beautiful! So many lovely roses and flowers, it looks great and happy! Blessings to you, Cindy xo

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by. Do you live in So CA? I would love for all of us gals to get together for lunch and meet each other.

      Thanks again Cindy.

  19. You made a comment on my post to check out your blog and I had just look a couple of days before and saw that you had not posted in awhile.

    Well, I am totally jealous of your flowers. My roses are giving me one rose at a time.

    I love the quilt you made and the throw. My daughter has a lot of pregnant friends so I need to get busy.

    Rain is expected by the weekend - of course I have to drive to Laguna Beach and it will probably be raining.

  20. Oh, my goodness, Mary! Your gardens are just gorgeous! It looks like a park! So nice to know your plants are doing so well. I can imagine how you must love them and the smells! The quilt and throw you made are so sweet. I love to crochet! Now I was in Long Beach quite a few years ago and we toured the old Queen Mary. I was looking for a ghost! :) How nice your had such a wonderful visit. Thank you always for popping in to see me and your sweet comments.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by Shelia. So glad that you liked my garden. Soon yours will be blooming with pretty flowers.

      Have a great week and take care of yourself.


  21. Oh Mary, Jess LOVES Huntington Beach! The weather, the ocean, everything about it. Your roses are blooming beautifully. My yellow rose bush seems to be looking better than it did. What a cute picture of your dog peeking under the gate. Oh, there's the sweet hummingbirds coming and going at your house. I love this picture of the dew on the nasturtiums, it's so pretty. This is a cute quilt that you made for the baby shower. It looks like a fun time.

    I wanted to tell you that the red dress on my post was the color of the bridesmaid's dresses. Jess wanted a shorter length dress for the girls because it will be a summer wedding. I'm not sure what I'll wear yet, maybe a champagne color. I guess I'll just wait and see what I find and see what fits hahaha.

    Have a wonderful week, Mary.

    love, ~Sheri

    ps your red rose is lovely. It's the perfect shade of red.

  22. Hi Mary! What a beautiful blog post! I'm sure it probably took a lot of time to post all those gorgeous photos, too. I just loved seeing the palm trees and the pretty Mexican restaurant. And I've never seen so many hummingbirds in one place! They must really love you, and your garden, and your tasty "food" for them! You may not have an ocean view, but your glorious garden is definitely a fabulous one to have! And lastly, I love Waldo....what a sweetie he is!

  23. What a great post...I don't know where to begin. It might not be the prettiest but my favorite photo is Waldo nose sticking out under the gate ~ so cute! Your garden looks splendid, full of bloom and wonderful color. You are lucky to find good gardeners, that seems to be very, very difficult. And, the humming birds, wow!

    I haven't been down to the ocean for a long time after seeing how much fun you had I think I need to plan a trip.

    Hopefully, we will get a bit more rain, it has made such a difference. Have a great day.

  24. I am happy that you had a great day out with your friend...and love that pretty ballerina quilt...and as I thought your garden is gorgeous!....I can just imagine how much more beautiful it is in person!....You must get so many compliments on it!....Amazing Mary!

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by Shirley. The roses are so pretty this year and have given me so many flowers. It's time to start deadleading them.

      I sure enjoy making the baby quilts for friends - so relaxing.

      Thanks again Shirley for popping by and have a terrific weekend.


  25. Hi Mary. Your flowers are all so pretty. You certainly have a green thumb. I see those pretty little nasturtiums peeking through every where. Simple as they are, they are almost my favorite flower. I love their smell and they look so pretty in a little pitcher..Happy Week to you..xxo Judy

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by Judy. To think i only purchased 1 six pack of nasturtiums years ago. The would take over the back yard if I let them. Only have a few in the front. They sure do make a show.

      Have a great weekend.


  26. Your garden is just spectacular, Mary! I am so impressed with the variety of plants you've acquired. I must send my friend, Beth over to your blog so she can appreciate it, too.
    Long ago, I did a post with photos from Mill Creek Park's Riverside Gardens in Youngstown, OH. I don't think you got to see it, so here is a link, in case you're interested:

  27. So glad you liked my post. I am going to pop over and see your post on Mill Creek Parks.

    I can't do everything that I would like to do anymore. I have to relied on the gardeners and even paying them extra they don't know what they are doing. But are very nice guys.

    It's about time to start to deadlead them.

    Thanks so much for stopping by.


  28. Mary, what a beautiful post. I agree with you--time flies. Your blooming rosemary is a sight to behold--I have never seen it bloom. Your garden is an earthly delight, and I know you must smile each time you step outside. What do you do for your roses? I've got about 6 dead knockouts (they had that terrible Witch Broom stuff), and I'm not sure what to replace them with. Your trip looks like fun, and the food....Oh, my...I would stand in line for that.

  29. Good Morning Mary,
    This is such a warm, enriching, and beautiful post. I have been scrolling back and forth taking it all in.
    I love the shade of blue you are wearing and your lipstick color is perfect too. It was nice of you to share the baby shower with us and the baby quilt is so pretty.
    Now on to your garden! It is beautiful, so lush and filled with one of my favorite flowers the glorious rose.
    Nasturtiums are such a fun little flower and yours are thriving! I did plant some from seed in my veggie garden to add a little interest. They got a slight frost on them a few weeks ago, but with love, water and fertilizer they seem to be coming out of it.
    Very lovely time spent here with you today.
    Thank you,
    If you have a chance we welcome you to our link party today and every week.
    Thoughts Of Home On Thursday

  30. Dear Mary,

    You are always on the go! Your Mexican meal looks scrumptious and I'm sure it was! You crack me up, 'holding up the walls' on an empty stomach! Too funny!

    How adorable is that quilt you created for your friend! Sophia is bound to be one cozy baby, all wrapped up in such comfort. So, has the new bundle of joy arrived??

    Your flowers are looking so fresh and pretty, and I can almost take in their sweet fragrance. Thank you for all these gorgeous pics; you've brightened up my morning, and I haven't even had my coffee yet!

    Take care, sweetie!


  31. So glad to hear from you dear Poppy. I hope that you are doing okay and adjusting to Canada's weather. Hopefully, your Spring is just around the corner.

    Thanks so much for your sweet comments. You should stop by and see the post "Please come into my garden, My roses would like to meet you. i can't get over how beautiful my roses and iris's are the Spring. I thought that with the terrible drought we had that they would look terrible. We are getting some rain, but not very much.

    I was so happy to see that you had left a comment. Take care of your self Poppy and have a terrific week.


  32. Hi Mary! Oh, I wished I lived near you and you could probably help me know what to plant in my almost completely shaded back yard. Well, if I lived close to you, I would probably have lots of sunshine! ;) Have a nice weekend, my friend.
    Be a sweetie,

  33. Mary, your garden is so lovely! I can't believe all those blooms. It makes me happy!

  34. So glad that you like it. Have a great weekend.
