Wednesday, June 29, 2016


My garden has sure taken a hit this spring and summer.  With the drought and extremely high temperatures has really taken a toll on my garden.

I have been sick with numerous aliments,  torn muscles in my hip, could hardly walk, then I over did in the garden and did something to my right shoulder.  When the Dr was giving me my steroid shot, she said oh my gosh you have shingles.  I nearly fell off the table with that comment.  I had my shot for shingles and she said you can still get it, but it won't be bad.  Well my shoulder hurt so bad I didn't even feel the shingles.  Finally I was feeling pretty good and then BAM..... I have COPD and didn't I go into a really bad spell - asthma and bronchitis along with COPD.  Well with the extreme heat, I had to stay in doors and my poor garden looks terrible.  I felt worse for the garden then I did for my self.  Well after 2/1/2 weeks, I think I am on the mend.  But I am afraid that my gardening will be limited.

Here goes some of my photo's of my gardens......

This beautiful Sunflower came up in my Bird of Paradise plant. There must have been over 50 Sunflowers on this plant.  This was a complimentary plant from the birds.  I had 10 Sunflower plants come up and they were stunning.

Just a few of my Sunflowers - the birds had a wonderful time eating the seeds from them.

This is a new Red Foxglove - the color is so pretty

I was able to save this hanging plant.

Excuse the hose, but I love sitting here on the patio.  I found these really cute pillows at Walmart for only $5.00 each and they are Sunbrella fabric.

My complimentary Hollyhocks

Some beautiful glads from Trader Joe's.  They were so tall and lasted for over a week.

One of my garden helpers - where's Waldo?

I'm watching the front door, Mom......

My hydrangeas burned so badly and they looked terrible.  I was so disappointed, as I wait all year for them to bloom.

My Chicago Peace rose.

Well that is my drought garden.  I must say that I was so disappointed, but we can't help Mother Nature, as she is going to do what she wants.  At least we don't have fires or flooding in my area.
My heart goes out to all of the bloggers that experienced disasters.

Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving a comment.  We, Waldo, Lili and I really appreciate you stopping by.


Dwellings ~ Amaze Me Monday
      The Dedicated House ~ Make it Pretty Monday        
    Between Naps On The Porch ~ Metamorphosis Monday
A Stroll Thru Life ~ Inspire Me Tuesday
Coastal Charm ~ Nifty Thrifty Tuesday
Savvy Southern Style ~ Wow Us Wednesday
Ivy and Elephants ~ What's It Wednesday
No Minimalist Here ~ Open House Party Thursdays
Between Naps on the Porch - Tablescape Thursday
Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson ~ Share Your Cup Thursday
Thoughts of Home on Thursdays @ At Home With Jemma
My Turn for Us ~ Freedom Fridays Blog Hop
Common Ground ~ Be Inspired Friday
The Thrifty Groove ~ Thrifty Things Friday


  1. Hi Mary, I am so sorry to read you've been sick. Glad you are getting better now. I hope the shingles is healed too. It seems to be a bad year for health issues. Your flowers and garden still look so pretty in spite of missing you. Love the Chicago Peacr rose. I had one but it didn't make it last year. Those pillows you found are great. Love the designs. Take good care Mary and stay on the mend. Sending hugs and love your way.

    1. Thanks so much for your kind comments. I am on the mend, but very slowly. Just taking it easy and not going out in the high heat.

      I sure was upset about my garden and all the flowers I put in pots. All the pots burned up and flowers died. I am going to do away with the color pots. Too expensive and a lot of care.

      The Chicago Peace really did an outstanding job, so many beautiful blooms. It is on the trellis as you come up the walk.

      My granddaughter, Kelly will be spending Saturday and Sunday with me, so I am excited. I haven't seen her since Christmas, we should have a fun time.

      Have a wonderful safe 4th of July, dear friend.


  2. Oh Mary! I've been wondering about you! I'm so sorry about the pains,COPD, the shingles! God be with you. Your flowers still look pretty lovely. Hello to the cute dogs. Take care of your dear self.

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving kind wishes. I am feeling better, still a little weak, but I am getting there.

      Have a wonderful safe 4th of July.


  3. Hi Mary,
    Oh my you have really had everything hit you all at one time. So glad you are feeling a little better. Heathy cyber hugs are being sent. Love your garden and especially your garden bike. Oh how I miss my garden bike at the new place. Hugs to Lillie and Waldo too. Waldo is smart to stay inside when it is so hot!

    1. Thanks for stopping by Kris. I am feeling better, but still a little weak. I am excited as my Kelly is coming to stay with grandma for two days this weekend. That should put some spring into my walk.

      Have a safe 4th of July and enjoy that new baby.


  4. My goodness, you have been through a really bad time. COPD is so difficult and then with everything else, you poor thing.

    My garden has taken a real hit too, the new tomatoes actually cooked on the vines before I could pick them. Everything looks burnt and even though it is only June the plants look exhausted.

    I hope that the worst is over as far as your health are the second person I know that got shingles even with the vaccine. Take care and feel better. I think that next week is supposed to be a little cooler.

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by. I can't keep tomatoes as the rats and possums are eating them faster than they can ripen. I am ready to put them up and forget about it and just go to Farmers Market for farm fresh tomatoes.

      I hope the really hot spell is over for the summer, but I am afraid that is just the tip of the ice berg. Time will tell.

      Have a great 4th of July. I see by the news that Pasadena does not allow fire works, your lucky. We have had fireworks since the middle of May. They terrify my dogs and then I have to give them medication. We voted to allow them last year and now it is out of hand.

      Looking forward to seeing your living room finished. Don't work to hard.


  5. My goodness, you have been through a really bad time. COPD is so difficult and then with everything else, you poor thing.

    My garden has taken a real hit too, the new tomatoes actually cooked on the vines before I could pick them. Everything looks burnt and even though it is only June the plants look exhausted.

    I hope that the worst is over as far as your health are the second person I know that got shingles even with the vaccine. Take care and feel better. I think that next week is supposed to be a little cooler.

  6. Good morning Mary I'm so sorry you been so sick this year is been so bad yor garden look nice with a lot of flower I love those Pillow from W I got 3 of them for $5 and they are water resisting Better Home make good product for patio
    I hope you doing much better

    1. Thanks for stopping by Isora. I am through getting new flowers for the garden as they will only burn up and we have to save water.

      I am beginning to feel better, just taking it slow and easy.

      Have a safe 4th of July.


  7. I think your garden is fabulous, Mary. And I know what you mean about the weather. Dry here, too. And struggling with various maladies. It's interesting -- we share many of the same -- chronic lung disease, some bone/joint/muscle issues. I feel for you with the shingles -- I'm glad they aren't too bad. I had them on my head and thought I would die!

    I know weather and summer can take a toll when the body hurts. I hope you're feeling better much soon.

    1. Thanks Jeanie for stopping by. I certainly hope that I am done for the year with all the sickness. I realize that I will always have COPD with bouts of flair ups. There is nothing they can do, only make you comfortable. Just have to watch the weather and stay indoors when it
      s hot and dry.

      I am really disappointed with the garden, but there was nothing that I could do. I am not replacing any of the flowers lost. To much work involved.

      Enjoy your 4th - be safe.


  8. Hello Mary,
    I do hope that you are on the mend and will be feeling better soon. Your garden and flowers are just beautiful inspite of your health and the drought! Thanks for sharing your wonderful garden. I love those sunflowers and they are one of my favs. I do hope you enjoy the week and have a happy 4th of July. Give the dogs a pat from me and Bosco.
    Hugs, Julie xo

    1. Thanks for stopping by Julie. I am feeling better and I am excited that Kelly will be here this weekend. i get her all to myself for two whole days. Shaun is going deep sea fishing out Newport Beach.

      I am through with buying more flowers for the pots - they just burn up and die. Even with water them twice a day they don't survive.

      Have a wonderful safe 4th of July.

      Waldo and Lili send hugs to Bosco.


  9. Oh Mary - Hip, shoulder OMGosh you poor woman. I have had Shingles 4 times all 4 times on my upper trunk. I was told by my doctor and I did research it that the vaccine would not help me. Since 1 of every 3 people get Shingles in their lifetime people should be vaccinated before ever experiencing the pain, itching and burning and that horrific rash. COPD yes it's indoors with air conditioning, I wish I lived closer I would be giving you a hug and baking something yummy for you. I too love Glads and was once advised to place a penny into the water. Something about the copper reacting with the Glads for longer enjoyment. Don't know if it actually works but I always do it. Mary please take care of yourself and your beautiful garden will once again flourish.

  10. Dear Vera. thanks for your sweet comments. I had never heard about the penny in the glads water. Will have to try that next time I get glads.

    I am feeling somewhat better, buy get tired very easily. I am excited that my granddaughter is coming to spend a couple of nights with me. Hopefully we will have some fun. Kelly will be 14 in October and is quite the seamstress, making a lot of her clothes.
    I sure wish we lived closer.

    I am through buying more plants for the pots are they burn so quickly. Hopefully we are not in for a HOT HOT summer.

    Thanks again for stopping by. Have a wonderful save and sane 4th of July.


  11. Mary, I'm so sorry you've had such a time. I hope you are on the mend. Shingles are not fun at all and along with the other issues you've had, I'm sure you've had some unhappy days.

    Your garden is still very pretty. Hope you get to enjoy it a little.

    Happy Thoughts of Home. :)

    1. Thanks for stopping by Stacy. The shingles really didn't bother me as much as the asthma an bronchitis, but i am feeling better now. Although I do tire easily and I am taking it slow. Have to be careful with the heat.

      Have a great 4th.


  12. Get well soon! I adore your handing basket. Your post was like a lovely rose. Thank you for joining the garden party.

    1. thanks for your sweet comments Laura. It was my pleasure to join the garden tour, although my garden wasn't up to par with the heat wave that we had. Thanks for the great party also.

      Happy Fourth.


  13. Mary, I'm so sorry to hear about all the health issues you've been having. And this heat we're having doesn't make it any easier. We are having the heat also in Nor. Cal. Your roses always look nice to me, and your yellow lilies are so pretty. I have them in my front yard. I love the Walmart pillows, they're cute. Your patio looks very charming - I haven't been able to even go out in my back yard except for the early mornings and nights. It's that warm out.

    Wishing you wonderful summer days, Mary, and Happy Fourth of July!

    love, ~Sheri

    1. Thanks so much Sherri for your sweet comments. I always appreciate yours. I sure hope that the heat wave is over for the summer, but I am sure it's not.

      Have a great 4th.


  14. Hi Mary! You KNOW I understand. It was 120 on that patio last week. I took a was 117 and then that late afternoon sun hit that tin roofed cover and it soured to 120. The air burned my face.

    today was only 102...I too that and didn't complain.. Your garden looks beautiful. Much better than mine. You have more flowers. I had a loaded plum tree and it was so hot it blistered the plums and the leaves were just crispy.
    Mele' runs out to pee and right back in.. So happy to see you had posted. :)

    1. Thanks for stopping by Mona. My dogs don't stay out very long either. Today wasn't to bad and it's going to be cooler for the rest of this week and next.

      I sure hope that we do not have a HOT HOT summer, but I am afraid that we are going to.

      Have a great 4th.


  15. Mary- OMGOSH--- I had no idea you have been so sick. I am so sorry to hear about all that you have been through. Your shoulder must have been hurting pretty awful if you didn't realize you had shingles!!! NOT GOOD at all, my friend.
    Your gardens still look beautiful and better than my own do at this point. I have not been in the yard at all with everything going on around here. Love that Peace rose-it is gorgeous.
    Hope you have a wonderful 4th and feel better every day. Love to you, Mary- xo Diana

    1. Dear Sweet Diana, so glad to hear from you. Glad you liked my pitiful garden. I was ashamed to post it and didn't show all the flowers.

      Yes, the should was killing me, but then I was all doped up LOL. The worst was the asthma and bronchitis. I thought I would cough my head off and got so I could hardly talk. I sure scared everyone including myself.

      Have a wonderful 4th and hope that John is doing well.

      Hugs, dear friend.

  16. I am so happy to see your post, Mary! It sounds as though it has been an awful spring for you, and I'm so sorry for that! You will be in my prayers as summer takes hold and hopefully better and restored health for you! Even though your garden may have taken a hit from the drought, you still have some beauty out there and the color of that sunflower is amazing! May you have a blessed holiday weekend and I'll send cyber hugs and prayers your way! Blessings, Cindy xo

    1. Thanks so much for your sweet comments. I am feeling better, but still not completely back to normal.

      the drought has been so bad. this is the 5th year of drought and no relief in sight. I have lost all my feelings for my garden - it's to heart breaking to see my plants die.

      Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful 4th.


  17. Oh my goodness Mary I do hope you are on the mend and feeling 100 percent better very very soon! Your flowers sure look amazing even w/out much care they have been thriving and look so pretty! get well soon!

    1. Thanks for stopping by - my flowers are pitiful and I am through trying to save them.

      Feeling better and getting my strength back.

      Have a wonderful 4th.


  18. Oh, Mary! I'm so sorry to hear you've been going through so much! I sure didn't know that about the shingles. I've had the shingles and it was terrible but now I've had the shot! Bless you're heart but glad to know you're doing better. I think your plants look very pretty! Too bad about the drought though.I know it's just terrible about the disasters going around all over. You take care of yourself and don't over do. Thanks for popping in to see me and how sweet of you to give your dollhouse to a little admiring girl.
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

    1. Thanks for stopping by Shelia. Yes, i am feeling better but get tired quickly.
      Can't do anything about the drought as we can't water only certain days.

      Have a great time with Carter and Camp on the 4th.


  19. My sweet friend,

    Oh I am so sorry that you've been hurting - that is just no fun - esp in the summer! My little sister had shingles on her tummy when she was in her early 20s at college- and said it hurts like heck! Hope you are feeling better SOON!

    Your hanging basket is one of the prettiest I have ever seen. And your dragonfly pillow - oh my gosh, that matches Katie's baby shower theme perfectly doesn't it? I may have to go to Walmart and find one for her as a memory of this special summer!

    Enjoy a safe and fun holiday weekend. Hugs!

    1. Thanks for stopping by Michelle. Let me know if you can't find the dragonfly pillow will pop over to my Walmart and see if they have it. Yes, it would be great for the baby's room.

      Have a great 4th and again, Congratulations on being a grandma, your going to LOVE IT.


  20. My sweet friend,

    Oh I am so sorry that you've been hurting - that is just no fun - esp in the summer! My little sister had shingles on her tummy when she was in her early 20s at college- and said it hurts like heck! Hope you are feeling better SOON!

    Your hanging basket is one of the prettiest I have ever seen. And your dragonfly pillow - oh my gosh, that matches Katie's baby shower theme perfectly doesn't it? I may have to go to Walmart and find one for her as a memory of this special summer!

    Enjoy a safe and fun holiday weekend. Hugs!

  21. Dear Mary,

    I'm so sorry to hear about that terrible bout of ailments you were suffering from, my friend! SO glad that you are on the road to recovery.

    Your beautiful garden has not lost its luster, for a garden's condition depends on the TLC of its owner, and if they cannot tend to it as they would like, it's not because they won't, but because they simply can't. So, your garden, right now, is a reflection of you, and that's okay! I'm sure that when you, (and Mother Nature), are ready, your garden will once again flourish with colour and fragrance and cheer!

    Get better, sweet friend!


    1. Dear Poppy,

      So glad to hear from you and hope all if well with you.
      I am doing better and getting my strength back, takes a little time. My granddaughter is coming to spend Sat and Sunday with me, so I am looking forward to seeing her. Don't get to see her much as they live up by San Francisco.

      Take care dear sweet Poppy and enjoy the weekend.

      Hugs to you,

  22. Mary, I can relate to the title of this post.
    Gardening can be a challenge.
    I am glad you are feeling better.
    Thank you for joining Thoughts of Home.

    1. Thanks for stopping by Laura. Hope you had a great Fourth.

  23. Oh, dear Mary...I am so so sorry to hear you have gone thru all this...shingles...OMY...I hope you had a much less severe case since you got the shot...and let me say right here...your garden looks mighty fine to me. Don't worry about it..maybe it will rain and a few good rains will bring it all around. I love your cute

    1. Thank God the shingles were bad at all, in fact I didn't even realize I had them But, of course I was to sick to think about anything.

      We will not get ANY rain until November, so it is going to be one long HOT summer.
      I love those pillows also - great buy.
      Thanks for stopping by,

  24. Happy Fourth of July, Mary! Yes, the drought was hard on the flowers and all, but our lake is filling up and looks almost like its old self. I hope you are feeling better, dear friend.

    love, ~Sheri

    1. Thanks for stopping by Sheri. So glad that your Lake is filling up. Nothing is filling up here.
      Feeling better and hopefully I will be in tip top shape soon.


  25. Hi Mary, dropping back by to say hello and wish you a very Happy 4th of July. Love seeing your pics again. I so hope you are feeling better. Hugs and Blessings to you dear friend.

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by again, Celestina. Do feel better.....


  26. Mary,
    I am so sorry to hear that you have not been feeling well. I know how awful COPD and bronchitis can be because we get a lot of patients in our Rehab department to help to build them up a little so they can return home.
    So you take care of yourself...
    I hope you will start to feel more like yourself soon!!
    I think your garden looks lovely!! And I adore those pillows!! So sweet!! Good to hear from you and I hope you will follow me over at my new blog. I had to re-do my blog because I was hacked.

    1. I am following you, but didn't answer some of your posts as I was just to sick, but i did read them.

      I am following you. Thanks so much for stopping by and glad you liked my post.


  27. Sorry to hear that you have had some health issues, but glad that you are feeling better. Your garden - drought or not - looks amazing! Love those pillows, too!

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by Amy. I am feeling better and hope to be back to normal soon.
      I do love those pillows - great buy at Walmart.
      Hope you had a great weekend.


  28. Hello Mary,

    I am so sad to read about all the health issues that you have going on. You are one strong cookie Mary. I admire you for having a positive attitude and will to keep going. So glad you have found a refuge in your garden. I do think it is still very beautiful.

    Prayers for a speedy recovery.



    1. Thanks so much for stopping by Janet. It breaks my heart to see the garden the way it is. I am getting rid of all the flowers in my pots as I can't keep watering them two times a day. I also had to find a new gardener, which is not easy as most of them only mow, blow and go and to find one that knows about flowers is not easy.

      Enjoy your weekend and again, thank for stopping by.


  29. So glad your son wasn't disappointed that he couldn't get a tattoo, Mary. It sounds like he is even a little relieved he didn't get one. How old is he now?


  30. Mary,
    Your garden is still performing beautifully despite the drought and heat.
    I know the frustration that you feel-I am in the same predicament here in Texas.
    Can't wait for Fall!

    1. Thanks for stopping by Jemma. Boy some areas get so much rain that they are flooding and the rest of us have a drought. Crazy weather.

      Have a great weekend. I am with you, I can hardly wait for Fall also.


  31. Hey Mary, popping over to visit you from A Stroll thru life and so glad I did. I am so sorry about your health issues but I want you to know that I love your garden. The sunflowers stole my heart. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

    1. So glad to meet you Cindy. I loved the sunflowers and I didn't even plant any seeds. I think the birds left me a few presents. They were all different colors and were stunning.
      I will be stopping by your blog to see what you are up to.


  32. I'm so sorry you had so many health problems in a raw... I'd say "it never rains, it pours", but it seems inappropriate given your weather! We had just the contrary, so much rain in June that my roses rotted before blooming.

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by Magali. I certainly will be glad when Fall arrives and we have had so much HOT weather already. Just way to hot so early.

      Hope you are enjoying your summer.


  33. Mary, I am so sorry that you are experiencing so many difficulties with your health....please take care of yourself!!!...I know about Shingles..I had a terrible case of them...have not gotten the vaccine...but have to wait a year to get it now....My arm hurt as if I pulled a muscle prior to the Shingles showing up!....I am also sorry about your garden, but it still looks great. I know you are on water restrictions, but can you water by using a watering can...we can only use our sprinklers twice a week, but we can hand water. Feel better soon!!!!

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by Shirley.

      Yes, we can water our plants, but can only water the grass once and only 5 minutes per sprinkler station. I still try to conserve water but, sometimes it's hard.

      I am feeling better, but it is taking a long time to get my strength back.

      Kelly and Shaun were here for the weekend. Shaun left Kelly as he was going deep sea fishing over night, so I got Kelly all to my self, and we had so much fun. She is growing up so fast and is taller than me LOL.

      Have a wonderful weekend Shirley.


  34. Dear Mary:
    Thank you for your comment on my blog. I am admiring your garden that in spite of all your health issues has really become wonderful. I think the patio is the best thing as you can sit there and enjoy it. I love the hollyhocks nearby and that pretty foxglove. Such precious dogs.

  35. Thanks so much Bernideen for your sweet comments. I really am so disappointed with my garden. Now I have possums eating my green tomatoes, can't even get one ripe one, so I am going to pull them up and throw them away.

    Have a great week.


  36. Hi Mary! It's been awhile and so sorry to hear about your health. Praying you'll feel a lot better. Oh no on the drought but your flowers still look so beautiful. I'm sorry that our paths didn't meet while I was in SoCal. Now in the north as hubs has some health issues and waiting for the results. Taking it a day at a time and try to see new places while we wait. Cheers, Pingxo

  37. Yes, sorry that we didn't get a chance to meet. So sorry about your husband, I do hope that everything turns out well for him.

    Enjoy your visit.


  38. Hi Mary, love seeing your beautiful garden once again. Was thinking of you and wanted to stop by and say hello. Thanks for stopping by this week and your kind comment on my new blog style. Have a great week and give puppy hugs to your sweet fur babies. xo

  39. Mary~~~~~so sorry for the belated post. I read your last post and I'm concerned about Donna. Did the prayers help? I don't mean to pry.

    Your shoulder, hip, shingles, asthma, COPD and bronchitis. Where on earth did you find the energy to write? I'm hoping you are well on your way beck to healthy.

    Your garden looks lovely in spite of the drought. We've been back and forth with rain, drought, very hot temps and then cooler days. My lawn is looking very brown---not sure why but the neighbors are having it as well. I'm off to get some fertilizer tomorrow---it may need some vitamins!

    My back is bad, the MRI was indeed scary but very eye opening. I have to get back to the gym and that's first on my list. I'm not sedentary but I simply have to drop some weight. My cute doctor had a way of saying that without offending me!!! ;-)

    Sending love and apologies for getting back to you so late.

    Jane xoxoxoxo

  40. Hi Mary, I admire your willpower to garden on regardless of your ailments and pains. I hope you get better soon. The garden actually helps in making us feel better, it's like a therapy. Your garden doesn't look too bad, they didn't seem to have gone through extreme drought or heat. Waldo and Lilli are so adorable. I can see they love you so dearly. Thank you for stopping at my blog.
    Wishing you a happy week.

  41. Hi Mary and thank you so much for coming along with me on my travels! I feel very blessed to get to do these things.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  42. Sorry I'm late getting here since I do have not been feeling well. Your garden looks lovely for such a hot summer. It is hot here too...and didn't fill so many containers this year because I knew it would be too hard to water with all the rest of the gardens. Its going to be 99 here on Friday and yikes that hot! Hope you are feeling better soon...and having respiratory issues myself STAY out of the heat!

  43. Cathy, so sorry that your not feeling well. I can relate to that. I still don't have my strength back, drag around hoping for a spurt of energy.
    Thanks for stopping by and leaving your sweet comments.

    I have lost all interest in my garden and as the flowers in the pots die i am not replacing them. It takes to much time to water them everyday. This the drought we are not to use water.

    Unfortunately I will have problems with my respiratory system for the rest of my life. There is no cure now, but maybe there will be in the future.

    We are expecting high temps by the end of the week.

    Take care and have a great week.


  44. I am sure going to miss Nel when she's living in Georgia, but she reassures me it will only be for a couple of years, and then she's back here in OUR California again. There's nothing like it, is there, Mary?

    love, ~me

  45. I'm so sorry to read that you've been wonder you didn't feel well enough to work in the garden! It takes a great deal of effort to keep up all your beautiful flowers.
    I loved seeing your grandmother used to grow them along her side door of her house. They always remind me of her. I hope you feel better soon!

  46. I hate being under the had quite a few things going on:(Glad you are feeling better Mary.
    I think your garden still looks great!

  47. Hi Mary, your flowers still look so pretty even with the drought. My hydrangeas are pretty this year, color wise, but are being held up on very limp stems and the flowers are really small. I wish the birds would leave something in my garden except poop!! I'm so sorry you haven't been feeling well. Hope the shingles weren't too bad since you had the shot. I got the shot too, and have been fortunate that I haven't got shingles ,so far anyway. Good to see Lili and Waldo keeping up their chores..Happy Wednesday..xo Judy

  48. Hi Mary, I am new to your blog and I just love it! found you through Sweet Melanie. I must say your garden looks great! I live in Louisiana, so I know what you are going thru with heat and no rain. Glad you are feeling better, I will visit often, so glad I found you! Hugs,

  49. Hi Mary, I am new to your blog and I just love it! found you through Sweet Melanie. I must say your garden looks great! I live in Louisiana, so I know what you are going thru with heat and no rain. Glad you are feeling better, I will visit often, so glad I found you! Hugs,

    1. I just now went back and read the comments on my post. shame on me. It is very nice to meet you and I will be following you also. Glad you like my blog. I don't post very often. I'm not one of the blogger that posts everyday.

      It's been one HOT, DRY and FORREST FIRES here. I will be so happy when FALL arrives.

      Have a great week.

  50. Oh Mary, Santa Cruz, you will be closer to Nor Calif. where I live! And you will be closer to your son. Have a nice time visiting with your son, and Happy Birthday, dear Mary. I hope you have a wonderful time on your birthday.

    love, ~Sheri

  51. Your flowers are still looking beautiful even with the drought ♥

    1. Sorry to be so slow in answering your comments. thanks so much for stopping by. No my flowers do not look beautiful - they are so small and burned on the edges and we can only wait 2 times a week due to drought.

      Have an enjoyable week.


  52. Mary, I am so sorry that you have been in so much pain! I think your garden still looks lovely. Love the sunflower gifts from the birds!

  53. wow...your garden looks very impressive for being neglected!! Take care of yourself - sounds like you have had a tough summer, and hopefully you are on the mend - your flowers should cheer you up!!

    1. thanks so much for stopping by. Sorry to be so tardy in answering, but it's been so darn HOT that I fizzle out about noon. My gardens are in terrible shape. We can now water 3 times a week, but it has to be after 6 p.m. and by that time I am TIRED.

      Have a great week.


  54. You poor thing! It sounds like you have really been through it this year with one thing after another. I hope you are now on the mend from at least some of the maladies and that it is starting to cool off in your part of the world. I was surprised how cool 86 felt to me this evening after a summer of temps in the upper nineties since early June. My plants didn't do well either because of the heat. The only exception has been my Meyer Lemon Tree that is doing quite well.

    1. Shame on me, I just went back to my last post and see that I did not reply by to a number of comments. I forgot to check back, never dreaming that people were still reading my post.

      I do feel better, but I don't go out much as it's to hot and then I can't breath, so I stay in a lot.

      I can't wait for FALL to get here and hopefully some rain.


  55. Yep, the heat can really do the flowers in. (Does me in too!) Hope things go better for you healthwise. Nancy

    1. Thanks for stopping by Nancy and leaving a comment. I am sorry to be so tardy in answering. Yes, the heat really does a number on me. Feeling better, but when it's that hot I don't do well - can breath.

      Have a great week.


  56. Mary, would you believe I was thinking about you & your garden while I was writing up my blog post!! I was just about to pop over to see how you're doing.
    We shall both pray for rain & cooler temps!

    1. Thanks so much Rhett for stopping by. i forgot to look at my last post. I am getting forgetful LOL, guess I can at 81.

      I have been praying for cooler weather, but the rain will not come until October or November and then who knows, maybe none.

      Have a great week.


  57. hope and pray that you are fine now dear

    your garden is pleasure to eyes ,we have sunflowers but this one has unique color
    loved all blooms
    have blessed day dear

    1. Thanks so much for your sweet comments. Yes, i am feeling better, but can't get out much in this very hot weather.

      Have a wonderful week.

  58. Mary, Hope you're feeling better soon ♥ Your garden looks very pretty despite the drought. Love the sunflowers! Hugs, Jody

    1. My garden has never looked this terrible. With the heat and not being able to water and sick, it really has taken a toll. We can now water 3 times a week, but after 6 p.m.

      Thanks for stopping by.


  59. Mary, I sighed with relief when the wedding was over and everything turned out as planned. That's always a mother's wish for sure. How interesting that I look like your cousin from Virginia. I always love it when you stop by and visit.

    It's been pretty warm here, but thankfully it was in the 90's for Jess' wedding. I'll take it, especially in August.

    love, ~Sheri

    1. I am so happy that the wedding went off without a hitch. Everything looked so great and I know it was perfect. My son was married in the latter part of August and it was hotter than you know what.

      Take care dear friend.


  60. Sadly I have to say your yard looks better than ours. When the dog days of Summer end, I'm hoping to get it planted for Fall and forget this hot Summer never happened.

    1. I am not planting another plant until I see some rain here and the drought is over. It will take a lot of rain to get the rivers and lake back up to where they should be.

      Thanks for stopping by.


  61. Yes, hydrangeas are ompletely burnt. But, don't worry you have full garden of vibrant flowers. Your throwback pillow covers are so beautiful. Loved designs overs covers.

  62. Mary, I loved hearing your story today about the lady and the $40.00 And glad that she found her money again, through you. :) Thank you for your comment today, it was so special. I really loved it.

    As you can see on my post, my roses are doing pretty good. I don't know how much longer they will bloom, but I think they will be going strong until Autumn at least.

    love, ~Sheri

  63. Mary, Hope you are feeling a little better now. I know this drought as taken a toll on everyones garden.
    I'm praying for rain this winter, wouldn't that be a miracle. Enjoy this weekend and take care ♥
    Hugs, Jody

  64. Hi, Mary...hope all is ok with you...just taking a break from blogging.?
    Thanks so much for stopping sure to let me know when you start blogging again...xoxo

  65. Mary, the garden really looked lovely despite the drought and heat. I hope you are feeling a bit better these days... Sending healing thoughts. xoxo Su
