Sunday, December 4, 2016



WOW where does time go to?  Just a few things that I have been up and some of my Fall decorating.

I went back to "Through The Garden Gate" and took a friend and she almost fainted seeing all the beautiful Christmas decorations.

The theme this year seems to be Snowmen

These pillows where stunning and I loved them, but a little pricey

Don't you just love this little fairy .

I just love this  - she was beautiful

This area had all white, gold and silver decoration, oh so pretty

Now on to some Santa's .........

I took my friend Teryl to Green Thump Nursery to see their decorations.  They were almost finished, running a little slow with their Open House.

WOW so many Snowmen waiting to go to their new home.

This is a bad photo, but had to show you the feeding frenzy of my Hummingbirds.  It was almost dark and they their were storing up food for the night. I have counted 20 hummers feeding from my feeders

Now on to my Fall decorations - didn't do much this year,  I can't get on a ladder, orders from my son.
So I did get up on the ladder and my 88 year old friend stood behind me.  LOL

Top of my hutch

Center piece on my dining room table

My beautiful Waldo.  He is 12 years old and I do love him so.  He follows me everywhere in the house or garden.

This past Saturday the City of Fullerton Parks and Recreation, North Western  Mutual and KaBoom
completely renovated Gilbert Park.  The park is at the end of my street.  All neighbors pitched in to complete the park with new equipment for the children.  There must have been a 100 volunteers to complete this project.  So I was a volunteer for "PLAYGROUND BUILD DAY 2016"  

The volunteers were put into different groups and the sign on the name tags placed you in that group.
Here I go with my walker to see what job I could help with and I was put into the painting group.
This lady is from Washington DC  with a non profit group getting us charged up to start the project.
I have to tell you what a wonderful sight to see so many parents and children there to help get this program finished.

We were given breakfast buritos and coffee and then for lunch the Slidebar provided Street Taco for all with beans and rice.

Here I am painting up a storm.  We had 65 12x12 wooden piece to paint front and back and then go back and put sayings and pictures on them - WOW what a job.  But we got it completed.

Santos my helper from the Parks and Recreation Department.  We also had another man helping who was in a wheel chair.

The plaques that will go on the fence - I believe that we painted 65 plaques.

This sign will say GILBERT PARK

Some of the men taking cement to the equipment.

I walked over their this morning to see what we had accomplished and I must say it looked really good.  They still have the storage containers to remove and the playground was fenced off until the cement sets.  But I must say CHEERS TO ALL THAT HELPED.

Today I am a little sore, but feel so good helping - not bad for a 81 year old lady.

Hope you leave a comment so Waldo Lili and I can read them.


Dwellings ~ Amaze Me Monday
      The Dedicated House ~ Make it Pretty Monday        
    Between Naps On The Porch ~ Metamorphosis Monday
A Stroll Thru Life ~ Inspire Me Tuesday
Coastal Charm ~ Nifty Thrifty Tuesday
Savvy Southern Style ~ Wow Us Wednesday

Between Naps on the Porch - Tablescape Thursday
Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson ~ Share Your Cup Thursday
Thoughts of Home on Thursdays @ At Home With Jemm


  1. So many fun things to see on this post! Your Fall decorations were very pretty. And, thank you for sharing all of the wonders of the stores. I haven't been anywhere this year, except Michael's...and they really didn't have anything that great.

    But the best thing in this post is the absolutely adorable photo of you. Waldo is rather handsome too of course.

    Enjoy your day ~

    1. I just love that store, but I can't go back there as I will break down and buy something. I have to agree with you I have found nothing exciting at Michael's or any other store. I did find some really cute Sal/Pepper Shakers at Walmart - they are the old woodies (station wagons) with a Christmas tree on top. Went back to get another set and they are all gone.

      Have a great week and stay warm and hopefully we will get some rain again.


  2. OH, Mary! You sure don't let age slow you down---and even health issues can't keep you from your appointed rounds! lol That store looks fabulous!! I bet your friend did just about faint seeing all that in one place. LOL

    I can see you didn't listen to your son about climbing- tsk-tsk-tsk--but you did a nice job decorating for fall...and your sweet puppy does look sweet.

    What a wonderful addition to your neighborhood with that park. Love the picture of you working away to improve the neighborhood you live in. You look great, Mary.

    I FINALLY met Kris this last weekend- it is on my blog if you have a chance to pop over. Much love to you- xo Diana

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by Diana and so glad that you like the post. I can tell today that I over did yesterday, but I cooked a ham and made two batches of fudge. Wonder why I am so tired LOL Oh and 2 loads of laundry.

      I am so glad that you got to go to Kris's party - it sounds like you had a terrific time.

      Will be posting this week with my Christmas decorations - stay tuned in ....


  3. Wow Mary what a lot of fun on this post today. Loved all your fall decor and I loved seeing all the pretties at the nursery. How fun to walk that place and see all the pretty ornaments. Love the garden wall blocks you painted too. That is going to look just awesome. Hugs to you and Waldo and Lillie too.

    1. Thanks for your sweet comments - I am tired today after all my sign painting LOL. I did feel good about helping.

      Looking forward to see your amazing Christmas decorations.

      Have a wonderful week - loved the picture of Cooper.....


  4. Hi Mary! Wow! The Christmas festival was awesome! So elaborate!
    Good for you, helping at the park. You are amazing.
    Your fall decorations are so bright and cheery. I love the candy corn!

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by. I am a little tired after all the painting I did yesterday. But it was worth it.

      Have a wonderful week.


  5. Oh Mary, so cheerful and happy! Don't you feel all fa la la? Everything looks terrific and I can tell you are having a wonderful time!

    1. Thanks for stopping by Jeanie - there is a saying use it or lose it. So I am using it, have to or you end up loosing it and I don't want that.

      Have a great week.


  6. Hi Mary, what a fun Christmas store to visit. I love all of those gorgeous decorations. I love your pretty fall decorations. Please be care when taking them down and decorating for Christmas. Waldo is just a cutie. How fun to be involved in your park down the street. I love your paintings. I hope you have a lovely week.
    Julie xo

    1. It was so much fun helping getting that park ready for the kids and adults. They also have an exercise area there too. There are park benches and table to sit and eat a meal or BBQ - lots of green area and trees.

      Thank for stopping by.

  7. Love the tour of the shops. The snowman are darling. I love that event at the park. How fun.

    1. Thanks for stopping by and leaving your kind comments.


  8. Hi Mary! I just love your blog!... your tour of the Christmas Shops was fantastic! And so enjoyed your playground build day!! What a wonderful addition to your neighborhood park; I know that it will be so enjoyed by all.... Your energy and enthusiasm are truly inspirational and Your creative Fall Decor was gorgeous! And your sweet faithful "Waldo" is a handsome fellow...
    Debbi Saunders

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by Debbi and leaving your comments. Yes, I felt really good helping out at the park and I am so glad that you like my decoration and Waldo.

      Have a wonderful week.


  9. Oh my word, so much wonderful eye candy. Thanks for the tours.

    1. Yes Marty, there was so much eye candy in that store and I just can't go back there again or I will break down and buy something LOL.

      Thanks so much for stopping by, When are you moving?


  10. Your fall decorations have me smiling, Mary---I love the cornucopia and the jars with the candy corn---those would be empty very quickly in my house! lol! And those hummingbirds! I would fall over if I saw one at my feeder!

    The shops are awesome...I have a little collection of snowmen so I was swooning here. How fun. And thanks for sharing the playground event. A very good cause and it sounds like it was a ton of fun. Was your painting the kitty cat? I was guessing!!! ;-D

    Hello to Waldo! He's so cute. Layla and Milo are 12 and13 and they are as sprite as live wires! Give both of your babies a smooch from me!

    Much love,

    Jane x

    1. Thanks so much Jane for your great comments.

      Yes, the kitty cat was mine along with sunflowers and a HAPPY sign. It felt so good to be helping make a wonderful playground for the kids. I looked terrible, no makeup on and my old clothes, oh well such is life LOL

      I really enjoyed reading your two articles that you wrote for the paper. Have you ever thought about writing a book?

      See by the news that you finally got your cold snowy weather. I love it when it's Christmas time and there is snow. No chance of that here, althoug we have had temps in the 40's, I know I am a whimp.

      Thanks for stopping by and have a terrific week.


  11. It's always so fun to see what you've been up to, Mary! The Christmas trees and decor is just amazing! I especially love all the gold, silver and creamy whites. Hard to believe the holidays are here again. Love Waldo, he is such a beautiful boy! It's comforting to know that even while you are climbing on ladders that you aren't supposed to, you have an 88 year old "spotter", hahaha! Love your hummers! I really miss ours this time of year. Hope you are doing well, I've not been visiting blogs much and miss you! Big hugs:)

    1. Oh my, I was so happy to see a comment from you that I did a Happy Dance LOL. I am so glad to hear from you. How's Molly? Miss seeing pictures of her, bet she is getting big.

      I know I shouldn't have gotten on the ladder, but sometimes you just have to do what you have to do.

      Glad you liked my Fall decor and I am all decorated for Christmas. Hope to post this week. So stop by and see. I didn't do as much as I usually do, as it is just to hard for me. I sorta changed things up some.

      Hope that you and hubby are well and enjoying life. Remember if you ever some out this way, please let me know as i would love to met you. Feel like i have know you for years.

      Thanks again for stopping by and have a wonderful Holiday Season and please send pictures of Molly.

      Waldo and Lili sent their hugs to her.

      Hugs dear sweet friend.


  12. Ok First, your Christmas picture are total eye candy for me. I love stores like that. Your fall decorations are so festive but I'm sure you are now on to Christmas decor. I finally got my tree up and the house decorated. Your Waldo is so sweet. Oh my gosh just look at all those volunteers and those tiles are going to be a fantastic addition to the park! Nice job!!

    1. Saimi, thank you so much for stopping by and leaving your great comments. Yes, I love love that store and it was so hard not to buy the store out. But, I was very good and didn't purchase anything.

      Was a lot of fun working on the playground for the kids.

      Have the tree up and decorated and everything done, just a few little tweaks to do.


  13. Boy howdy, those were some really neat Christmas shops. Such pretty things. Something for everyone. Paying it forward by helping with the park will be so appreciated by both the young and old. Looks like you were painting the kitty plague. Waldo is a real cutie-pie. Isn't it wonderful to have such a fine companion.

    1. Yes, i was painting the kitty plaque and they look so good on the fence. Was wonderful to volunteer to re-do the playground.

      I loved all the shops with their beautiful decor in them

      Thanks so much for stopping.


  14. Hi Mary, you are amazing and age has nothing on you my friend. Gals have your age can't keep up!! Love the Christmas shop and seeing all the gorgeous decor. Your fall home looked beautiful and so inviting. I can only imagine what your Christmas home will be!!
    Love see your sweet Waldo. He always has such a calm and comfy look on his precious face.
    How special the work being done at the park. Your painted signs are incredible. Gathering together to make improvements to be enjoyed by the community is a special thing to do and it looks like much was accomplished. Love seeing you painting away.
    Have a great new week and Merry Christmas dear friend. xo

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by. If I had know that my picture looks so terrible I wouldn't have posted it. No makeup and my old clothes. I walked over with my walker and the lady at the registration desk looked at me like and what do you think you can do. Well Surprise I can paint plaques LOL.

      I'm all done with my Christmas decorations and will post this week, Didn't do as much as I used to do - I will not be home this Christmas. I am going up to me son's so I can see my granddaughter, as her mother gets her Christmas afternoon. Will go up Thursday before and come back on 26th. I would really just stay at home with my two babies.

      Thanks so much for stopping by. I often think about you and hope that you are doing well. Take care and have a wonderful Holiday Season.

      Hugs dear friend,

  15. Hey Mary,
    I love your Waldo. such a sweet face and the picture of you painting makes me want to just reach out and hug you... I love your active life style. It surely keeps you young. Hug your doggies for me.
    Love, Mona

    1. Hi Mona, thanks so much for stopping by. So good to see your comment.

      Yes, Waldo is such a sweet dog and so is Lili. They are both rescued dogs and are probably the best dogs I have ever had.

      Helping at the park was a wonderful experience. Met lots of great people and the kids will sure enjoy the playground. It does take a group to make a village.

      I have slowed done alot, but you know the saying use it or lose it, so I try to use it. LOL

      Have a wonderful Holiday Season.


  16. You have been busy.

    I like the signs you made and the picture of you is so sweet.

  17. Hi Mary. You be careful on that ladder. That's what I tell myself whenever I climb one. You must have such a good feeling after helping in the park. You always manage to go to the prettiest shops for the holidays. Love all those snowmen. Your fall decorations are beautiful and now you will be putting up Christmas ones. Love to Waldo and Lili..Happy Holidays..xxoJudy

  18. You have been busy! I loved seeing all of thr holiday decorations. It always puts me in such a festive mood. I particularly like the snowmen. Fun!

  19. What a great post Mary! I have so enjoyed looking at all the pictures. Made me smile! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  20. You are amazing, Mary. I love this holiday post you do every year. It is so magnificent. Love the fairy and madonna. Cute photo of you painting and your sweet companion. Happy holidays. xoxo Su

  21. Dear Mary,

    I could have sworn that I had already left a comment on this post a few days ago! Oh well, it gives me the opportunity to visit you again!

    What a lovely and considerate gesture on the part of your neighbourhood, including you! Such colourful and wonderful signs you all created - kudos to you, all!

    Your trips to the Christmas markets always amaze me - so many pretty things to choose from!

    Waldo is adorable! What a devoted friend he is to you!

    Wishing you a fun Friday and happy weekend, sweetie!


  22. Lots of pretties for sure Mary! I am up and down a ladder constantly and worry that my day will come when it is not allowed. :) I laughed when you said you had your 88 year old friend stand behind you. Painting all of those was a big job. What a kind heart you have! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  23. The decorations are so pretty...I am partial to Santas....and what a huge job, all that kind of you to help. Have a wonderful Christmas. xoxo

  24. Not bad?
    Amazing ..and I can see you being like this at 101๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ‘
    The places you many did not buy a thing?
    You painted the cat right?
    Waldo looks like he gets away with everything..:)

  25. Always love it when you take us on the tour of the garden centers during the Holidays....beautiful trees and yes, lots of wonderful that you were able to lend your help and expertise on that wonderful community look so cute!!! Merry Christmas to you and your family Mary!...have a wonderful time with them this Christmas!!

  26. Hello Mary,

    Wow, you are a little busy bee. You truly are amazing. So full of energy. I loved the holiday tour at the nursery. It is full of many merry and festive pieces. I especially love the flocked Christmas trees and snowmen. Cute photo of you painting and your sweet Waldo. And I agree with your son, stay off the ladder.

    Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas..


  27. The Mary and Jesus statue is beautiful. What a fun and charming place this is. So many Christmas decorations. That's great that you volunteered for this program. It sounds like a good one trying to get new equipment at the park for the children. And I loved seeing a picture of you, Mary. It's nice to see our blog friends once in awhile.

    Wishing you a Merry Christmas, and I hope you have wonderful days this holiday season. Your friendship is special to me, and just wanted you to know that.

    love, ~Sheri
