Friday, July 21, 2017



WOW I really don't know where my time as gone too.  I think it is because we have had such HOT weather since April.  One month just blends into the next.  One thing for sure is I don't go out in the heat in the afternoon.

Just a little Memorial Day decorations that I still have left up and will keep it up until after Labor Day.  just didn't feel like deorating.

The next pictures are of my hydrangea's which are on the east and north side side of my house.

They are slowly coming back after many years of drought.  I really thought that I was going to lose them all.

These are my double day lily's.  They sure don't last long, I guess that is why they call them day lily's

Another one of my favorite flowers the Shasta Daisy

Just a few of my roses.  They have been dead headed and now the buds are coming out again.  As most of you know  I love my roses and have lost quite a few in the last 5 years of drought.

Just some more of the flowers that are in bloom in my garden.

My new purchase - a 50 inch flat screen television, I can sure see this one.  I purchased this one since I have rented one of my bedrooms to my new room mate Kris.  Kris had her own bed so that meant using the 3rd room as a bedroom.  I had made that bedroom into a small TV room.  So the day bed I sold, gave away a Queen Ann wing back chair and some small tables.  Now I have a guest bedroom.
It felt good to give things away and now I am on the path to reduce all my stuff including a lot of dishes.  I know my son when I pass he will have a big dumpster out front and everything will go into it.  But after 60 years of keeping house and not moving you sure can collect a lot of stuff.

To get back to my new room mate she is very nice, is 55 years old and is in marketing.  The dogs like her too

When Kris looked at the room, she liked the house, garden and area where I lived.  So when she said that she would take the room I wanted to give it a good sprucing up.

I arranged for a friends grandson to help me paint the window trim, re-screen some of the screens, move my bed out and the pictures she didn't want.  Kris also wanted a different dresser.  Steve started out good and after one week he just didn't come back, no call or anything.  Well being 82 on Wednesday, it really stressed me out.  My friend Teryl said no worries I will help you get the room ready.  By this time I am really stressed to the max.  Anything that could go wrong did, but we finally got it all put together.  I had my housekeeper do a deep cleaning and it turned out terrific.

That young man will never set foot on my property again.

With all this hot weather and fires all around us it is very bad for people who have problems breathing, so I stay in a lot and needless to say my garden should look better than it does.

I have to brag about my granddaughter, Kelly.  She was awarded a special metal for three years of straight "A"'s in middle school and she made varsity cheer leading. in high school - I am so proud of her.

As you all know that I have 2 dogs, Waldo and Lili.  Neither one of them likes to go outside when it gets hot and love, love, love when the A/C goes on.  Waldo will stay outside with me when I do my chores in the morning, but as soon as they are completed he is ready to come back in.

I have to move again, really  the look I got - to funny.

Thanks so much for stopping by and I hope that you will leave  a comment.  Enjoy your summer.

Mary, Waldo and Lili


  1. Mary so glad to hear your new roommate Kris is going to work out. I like her name lol! Love seeing all your garden flowers they look so pretty. Sorry about that guy being a jerk and not showing back up. Glad you got some help with it all. Love seeing Lili and Waldo's sweet faces. Happy Weekend.

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by Kris. Yes my Kris is a keeper, must be the name.

      Have a great weekend and don't wear yourselves out working on your cottage.


    2. Wow is good to be back with my ex again, thank you Dr Ekpen for the help, I just want to let you know that is reading this post in case you are having issues with your lover and is leading to divorce and you don’t want the divorce, Dr Ekpen is the answer to your problem. Or you are already divorce and you still want him/her contact Dr Ekpen the spell caster now on ( and you will be clad you did

  2. Mary, it's good to hear from you with your updates. Your garden has really rebounded from the rain over winter. To hear of your downsizing definitely made me twitch a little. Every time I buy something new (dishes esp) I sigh a little buyer's remorse, only because I know dishes don't seem to move well in resale. I bet it did feel good to get things purged and cleaned out. Glad to hear you're happy with your new roommate and that she is too. Lili & Waldo are smart dogs - staying inside away from the heat is a good thing. This past week I feel like I'm mosquito bait every time I walk out to water....
    Congrats to your granddaughter. Good grades and involvement in school activities will serve her well!

    1. Thanks so much for your kind comments. I went to a church bazaar this morning and I was very good - I was proud of myself. Slowly I am working on getting rid of stuff and it does feel good.

      Thank Good we do not have mosquito's here in So CA, or they would eat me up.

      Yes, we are so proud of Kelly. I couldn't down load the pictures of Kelly, so I couldn't post them. She is turning into a lovely young lady.

      Have a great weekend.


  3. Mary, I am so happy to see a post from you here and to have you catch us all up a bit.

    I am so glad you got a new roommate and I hope she is going to be there long term. I know you are easy to live with so I hope she is, too.

    That is too bad about your friend's grandson abandoning the project when he was only part-way done. I am happy you had someone to step up to the plate and help you get it all finished.

    Your gardens are just gorgeous. I can't believe the gardening you still do at your YOUNG age and with the heat you have there. I am really tickled that so many of your plants survived the drought.

    I hope you have a blessed, peaceful weekend. Love to you- xo Diaa

    1. Thanks Diana for stopping by. Yes, I think the new room mate will work out, she is a great person.

      I don't do a lot of the gardening, the gardener does most of it and I pay dearly for it. I will go out and plant some pots, water and dead head the roses. With my back and knees, can't get down anymore. Would have to call those great looking firemen to pick me up LOL.

      I don't have as many plants as I used to. With the weather the way it is I am not spending money on them.

      I'm not doing much this weekend, just taking it easy. You have a terrific weekend.
      How's John doing?

      Lots of hugs,

  4. See what happens when you are in a hurry- I can't even spell my name right- LOL xo DIANA!!!!

  5. Mary,
    What a wonderful thing to find a roommate! I'm so happy for you. Your garden looks so beautiful. Happy birthday! I hope it's the best one yet.
    Amy Jo

    1. Thanks for my best wishes and I am so glad that you stopped by. So glad that you liked my garden. I did lose a lot of my flowers due to the drought over the last 5 years.

      Have a great weekend Amy Jo.


  6. Mary, I enjoyed visiting with you in the garden. It's so hot here, too. When I
    Jasper and I walked at 7 am, the heat was already gathering, and we hurried back inside. 🌺🐕🌻

  7. First - wow - your gardens are amazing - and those roses are stunning. I love the pink ones the very best. : - )

    Your Waldo - that look - oh isn't he a funny one? LOL so so cute!!!!

    Congrats on your new roommate - they can be so nice to have around - for lots of different reasons. I am happy for you both.

    I really need to downsize, too - I keep trying but I am not very good at it. Maybe we can support one another and keep in touch and share how well we've done - but let's wait till it isn't so hot! I stay inside when it's this bad, too.

    And last, but certainly not least: HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY, SWEET LADY!!!!

    Hope you have many many more - good health, joy and laughter to you. God bless! ♥♥♥

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by, so good hearing from you. I'm not very good when this heat is so HOT. Today, I think is the worse and I have hardly gone outside.

      So glad you like the post.

      I am trying to do a little each day. It's hard when you have lived in a house for 30 years and then started collecting dishes. I'm NUTS LOL Plus I have a lot of things from my M I L and her sister when they passed. I had hoped that my son would want them, but clear the decks. I get grief every time he visits.

      Have a great week and give that little precious grand girl lots of hugs and kisses.


  8. Your flowers are so very lovely! I really enjoyed all the pictures! I'm a huge dog lover, I have 4 of my own so I enjoyed the pictures of them as well. :-) Hope you have a wonderful week! Stay cool, this heat is really something lately. :-)


    1. Thanks so much for stopping by Jill and so glad you liked my post.

      Today is a lot of cooler as it's cloudy due to rain all around us, thank goodness.


  9. Do take care of your lungs during this heat and with all related to the fires. As one with lung issues, I know how this must be physically a trying time for you.

    But not for your garden. It's simply glorious! And so is your beautiful dog!

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by Jeanie and your sweet comments.

      I am taking it easy as I just can't do much when the weather is so HOT and lots of bad air in the area with all the fires around us.

      Enjoying your time at the Lake.


  10. Hi Mary, So nice to see a catch up post from you. I love your gardens and the beautiful blooms you have again this year. So glad you got a roommate but so sorry your worker never showed up after only half way done!! Your friend helping to get it all finished is great and she sounds like a special person.
    It's been very hot here too so I know being outside with lung issues can not be good. Waldo is so sweet and I love the photo and that last one is special.

    Enjoy the last of July and take good care. Sending Hugs your way sweet friend. xoxo

    1. So glad to hear from you and your sweet comments. Glad that you liked my flowers. Don't have as many as last year as I cut back on buying them when the drought was so bad.

      I will be enjoying the last of July as I will be having a Birthday on the 26th, turning 82 and going strong LOL. Will be seeing lots of my friends for lunch.

      Have a great week and hopng your weather cools down.

      Lots of hugs,

  11. Hello Mary, so glad to see a post from you again. Your roses are still coming along nicely, even with the drought that we had. Your pink and white roses are blooming beautifully. I love the Shasta daisies. I planted daisies in my garden one time and they didn't make it. I heard they don't need that much water. That's great that you got a new TV. It's been so hot outside, that it will come in handy to watch now and then. Wonderful news about your granddaughter for making straight A's and Varsity Cheerleader. What an accomplishment.

    I'm glad to hear all is well with you, Mary. Enjoy the last of these July days.

    love, ~Sheri

    ps.....that's funny that your dogs loves it when the AC goes on. : )

  12. Wow, Mary! You have been really busy! It was wonderful looking at your garden, imagining that I was there. I do miss having a nice garden. Congrats on the new TV, the roommate, and your bit of decluttering. It does feel good to get rid of things. I recently tackled painting my office -- a much bigger job than I had intended -- and, as I was carrying hoards of things out, told myself that only half of that stuff was going to go back. Decluttering rules!!

  13. Mary, glad you have a new roommate to share expenses and time with. I've been thinking it would be a good idea if they had a rental service that matched up us older girls with people looking to share a home and dogs, etc. Such a good idea to take the burden off you. Hopefully Kris might like gardening a little and help out there. Just hearing you talk about decluttering has me thinking I need to get back to it again. Things pile up quickly! Hubs and I spent 2 hours this morning decluttering his parent's apartment in the Assisted Living community they live in. They are 91 and 94 and it's a never-ending battle with the clutter creep over there! Have a good week.

  14. This is a great post, Mary...I'm so happy to hear about your summer. The heat is terrible everywhere and we have had humidity which I really loathe. I do the bare minimum in the garden and only go out just to make the pups happy-and that's not for long. They are like yours, the a/c is much preferred! Still, your flowers are simply gorgeous, especially the roses. I've tried but I seem to kill every bush. :(

    I'm glad you like your house mate. Will you be doing things together, like having meals? I hope you become friends...if you aren't already. Is your home large? Just curious.

    I had to smile over the 'clutter'. Sometimes I think my kids will laugh over all of my stuff but I also think they will fight each other over some of it!!!

    I've been a terrible blogger. Life is a blur. I try to balance free time away from the computer and phone, and then I feel guilty that I've missed so much in the lives of my blogger friends. I worry about you when I read about the drought and wildfires. We've had flooding here from the torrential rains but it's north of me where there are more rivers. The heat seems to be prevalent everywhere.

    Stay cool my friend, its sad to lose plants but not worth making yourself physically stressed.

    Love to you, Mary,

    Jane xxx

    1. Oh so glad to hear from you Jane. I miss your comments, but I know hoe time can get in the way.

      I was looking at pictures I took of my garden from a few years ago and you can see how bad the drought has been on my garden. I have lost all interest in them. Maybe when it cools off, if it ever does, i will have more of an interest in them. It's just to damned hot to be out there.

      I have asthma and COPD so this hot weather has really done me in. Very tired and dragging around. I didn't want to go up to my son's for my Birthday last week. They said they would come down, but I didn't even want to think about entertaining. Shame on me. My girl friend did take me out for lunch the day after my Bday.

      I have 1,400 sq feet of space - 3 bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen and 2 car garage. My house is set up that when you walk in the living room is straight ahead and to the left is 2 bedrooms with a bath between them and there is a door that you can close off that wing of the house. My master bedroom is to the right and is quite large with a small setting area and in room bathroom. So this arrangement works out great for us. The dogs like Kris and she turned 56 yesterday. We do have some meals together but not a lot as she works and sometime I have eaten by the time she gets home. So far so good.

      Well my dear friend I would stay out at the Lake House and enjoy the water and rest. Week in and a week out. Sometimes we need our space.

      I am hoping that this fall I can make the trip to VA and stop in Chicago for a long lay over or over night depending on costs. But, will let you gals know as I do want to meet you all. I am so upset about Mona Duffy, I just knew that something was wrong and kept going to call her and didn't and now it's to late. We got to meet in person 2 or 3 years ago and it was great.

      Take care my sweet friend.

  15. Hi Mary! Your garden is so lush! I hope you enjoy your new roommate.
    Wow! Nice tv!
    I know what you mean about all the "stuff" we accumulate. I'm trying to weed it out bit by bit.
    Have a happy week, friend!

    1. Great hearing from you and so glad that you had a wonderful visit.

      Yes, the new room mate is working out great and we get along fine. The extra money sure comes in handy.

      Yes, I really have stuff more than 60 years of things.

      Have a great rest of the week - so glad that Timmy isn't mad at you anymore.


  16. Mary,
    Your Summer gardens are just gorgeous and those hydrangea blooms are something straight out of a gardening book or magazine.
    How nice that you are sharing your home with another gal. I am sure she is so pleased to have the space, company and enjoyment of your gardens and pups too.
    We have had heat and humidity too. In fact I stayed outside way too long one day and it just about got the best of me. We sure have watch that heat index here too.
    Wonderful to see a post from you.
    Take good care,

  17. So glad you stopped by. I am afraid that this summer has really gotten me down with my asthma and COPD. The gardens have suffered from not being able to go out and work in them. I guess that I have to realize that I am not spring chicken anymore LOL. Just turned 82 last Wednesday. But I do love my flowers and wish that I could do more. I'm not happy with my gardener. They promise this and that and then do nothing. I call him Mow, Blow and Go.

    Again. thanks for stopping by Jemma and have a wonderful rest of the week.


  18. Love the summer garden. Looks like worked hard on this. Great that you like your roommate. That makes a big difference. Like you, I am trying to get rid of stuff. I ask the nieces first, sis in laws, friends and if none want, I give to Goodwill. Funny how things grow from a little pile to a big pile.

    1. Thanks for stopping by Pam. Your right most of the younger generation doesn't any things that we liked. No clutter with them LOL But it's to hot to get rid of stuff in the garage. I have my stuff sorted by season and I will be getting rid of a lot of Fall decorations. Just to old and tired to decorate that much. Then Christmas, way to much stuff there. Only one tree this year and I have given away a lot of Xmas trees. Maybe I will be able to finally get my car in the garage.

      Have a great weekend.


  19. Hi Mary, so glad you found a good roommate! Sorry about the guy who never returned to finish his work - that's just crazy!! It is such a great feeling to purge and get rid of stuff you don't need anymore. We get the bug every so often and will do that too and since I'm not a yard sale person, it all goes to Goodwill. Your flowers look so lovely. Man I haven't been very good about getting out and weeding my flower beds but it's been so hot, like in the 100's so I stay in and work on my quilt projects, I've actually have gotten a lot done!
    Take care, it's good to read your post

    1. Thank so much for stopping by. I have been lax in answering comments. Blame it on the weather or I;m just to darn old LOL.

      That boy will never get any work from me ever and that means when he comes wanting a loan (which he never gives back) I will show him the door. I loved his grandmother so much as she lived across the street from me and was such a dear. I felt sorry for him, but he brings it on himself.

      The though of a garage sale is over whelming to me, so I will be giving it to SA as they are not as expensive with their items as GW is.

      Have a terrific week.


  20. Hi Mary. That Waldo is a character. Love the silly look on his face. Your flowers are beautiful if you ask me. I think I will plant a lot of Shasta daisies. We had them at another house and grew so well in spite of our gardening skills. Congrats to your grand. They always make us so proud..Stay cool and glad you have a room mate to keep you company..Happy Tuesday..xxoJudy

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by Judy. I am sorry to be so tardy in answering.

      My back has really been bothering me - got a shot steroid in it and it helped. It's just arthritis and there is nothing much they can do.

      Yes, grandchildren are so special and wonderful, and they do make us proud.

      You and Captain take care of your backs because it's not worth getting down with it.


  21. Hi Mary, your gardens are wonderful - I love all your roses and pretty hydrangeas. Glad that you were able to get the room all done for your new room-mate - I'm sure she is going to love it there. How awful that your 'help' was so unreliable. Too many people these days have a terrible work ethic. Your dogs are too cute and that expression is priceless! I couldn't live without my dogs - they keep me company, as I am alone alot. (Husband travels alot for business) Congratulations to your granddaughter, Kelly! Certainly something to be proud of! Thank-you for your sweet visit. I will be following along with you and your sweet blog. xo Karen

    1. Thanks so much for your wonderful comments. I am following you also. Like your posts.

      Yes, I love my dogs. I live alone and they are so much company for me. However, now I do have a room mate and it is working out great.

      Now if we could just get rid of some of ths heat, it would be great.

      Have a wonderful weekend and thanks so much for commenting.


  22. Hello Mary, I love your pretty garden and flowers. The dogs are just so cute. I'm glad everything worked out with the room and your room mate. Yes congrats to your grand daughter!! Take care and give the dogs a hug from Bosco and I. Stay cool.

  23. Your garden looks lovely even with the drought going on..Its been cooler here this week even though its humid out...I hate humidity which makes it harder to breath. Congrats on your granddaughter Kelly doing so well in school, pretty impressive. The last photo of Waldo is priceless and there's no doubt what he's thinking...How did you find you roommate? Did you know her before? It sound like its working out good so far. Stay cool and hope the weather gives you relief.

    1. Thanks for stopping by Cathy. I am so tired of this crazy weather we are having. My poor roses and plants are not doing well with all this drought. Even though we had rain this past winter it wasn't enough for most of the plants.

      I found my room mate through CA STATE FULLERTON on their housing web site. Kris is not a college student, but a mature woman - 56 years old. She has a good job and we get along fine. The dogs like her and she like them so it's a win win situation.

      Have a great weekend.


  24. Your garden is magnificent! Congrats to your grand-daughter - those are great achievements! Glad your roommate situation is working out!

  25. Thanks so much for the great comments. I am really not happy with my garden. It's nothing like it used to be and I have lost so many rose bushes and plants due to the years of drought. Plus getting older is hard to work in the garden and the gardener doesn't take care of it like I did.

    Have a wonderful fun weekend. And again thanks for stopping by.


  26. I know what you mean, Mary. I haven't been to Mimi's in such a long time because there are so many other new places to eat around here, but then I went back and really enjoyed the food, and especially the atmosphere. Such a charming place to eat, and I'm glad you have one right by you. : )

    It's been cooler in the mornings here, and I'm wondering if Fall will come early to us this year?

    love, ~Sheri

  27. Hi Mary! I love seeing your flowers and hope the heat has cooled down a bit. I was so sad to learn of Mona's passing. I know she and you were blog friends. She had been mine for many many years and I'll miss her. Thank you so much for popping in to see me.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  28. Thanks again for popping in Mary! Hope you've had a nice Sunday.
    Keep on being a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  29. Hi Mary,

    So happy to see such a lively and colourful post from you, as I've been absent from the blogosphere for about a month and a bit. Your flowers are looking pretty vibrant to me, despite the fact that you feel you could be spending more time on them. Yes, when it's hot, they certainly need to be nourished more often, as I've discovered. I water every two days, but am starting to get the hang of things, now being able to sense when some need extra water.

    How lovely that your roommate is working out well. It's nice to have company in the house, isn't it? I'm sure she loves her room, after the changes that you made to customize it to her taste.

    Kudos to Kelly for all her wonderful achievements! She is turning into a beautiful and talented young lady.

    Hope you are doing well and are staying out of the sun when it's too hot and dangerous. I try to take my swims after 4, since I've read that the sun is at its most harmful from 10am to 4pm.

    Enjoy the rest of your California summer, my friend!


    1. So glad to hear from you Poppy. Thanks so much for your wonderful comments.

      I am so proud of my Kelly, she is doing so well. She was in a horse show this past weekend and took 2 and 3rd place in the competition. The night before she had a football game and is a cheer leader. My son said she did really good, but the temp was 100 degrees and three of the cheerleaders had heat exhaustion.

      We are having extreme heat here and it's been in the 100'a for days, but we can put up with it as we do not have it as bad as Houston. Those poor people.

      Take care dear sweet Poppy and I think of you often.


  30. Mary, Your garden is beautiful! I have always loved hydrangea but never had luck growing it. Thanks for dropping by and your kind comment on my courtyard.

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by Sherry, I alove the garden also, but it's been to darn hot to do a lot out there and at my age I shouldn't be in the garden any way. I just can't stay out. LOL

      Have a great weekend.

  31. It's nice to hear that you'll be decorating for Fall this weekend. I was thinking of doing that soon. Be sure to show us when you have all the goodies around your house. It's always so charming to see your home. Yes, it's been pretty hot here lately, and staying inside a lot. I hope the weather changes soon, especially for you, as the heat must be hard with your COPD.

    love, ~Sheri


    1. Well if the weather stays this hot, I will not be going into that HOT garage getting out my decorations. It will have to wait until it's a little cooler.

      Take care dear friend, love your photo's you take.

      Have a great weekend.


  32. Hi, Mary, Oh... I know what you mean about staying in when it is the hottest part of the day! That's best. Congratulations on your 82 birthday! Wow! Your garden is looking beautiful! I love roses, and I wish hydrangeas grew here. I'm am happy that your roommate is working out. Yes. We do accumulate a lot when we don't move. I can't image 60 years of things in one home! Your dog is so cute. xoxo Su

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving such great comments.

      the garden is suffering as I am still watching the water usage and of course they raised the rate us during the drought.

      I must say that the roses have suffered. I caught the gardener using hedge trimmers going through my roses, was dead heading them with the hedge trimmer.

      Oh what to do - they just don't know about gardening.

      this heat is really something. Take care and stay cool.


  33. Thanks for popping in to see me, Mary. Oh, how I wish I had your green thumb!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  34. I am afraid that my green thumb isn't as green as it used to be. It is becoming harder for me to garden as I can't kneel anymore and bending over is so hard on my back. I have the gardener do a lot of work, but he isn't that into it.

    I would love to come over and help if I lived closer.

    Enjoy your weekend.


  35. I just love the pictures of Waldo, Mary! He is such a beautiful boy, and such expressive eyes! Your flowers are so pretty, and your roses are gorgeous! It must be hard to keep them all looking so good with your drought. Glad to hear that your room mate is working out, bet it's nice to have some company. Hope you get some relief from that heat soon!!
    I've missed you!

  36. Beautiful garden with colorful flowers:)

  37. Hi Mary and it's so nice to hear from you and I hope you're doing well. Thanks for popping in to see my little houses. I certainly hope the little house was loved. If not, it sure will be now!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;0

  38. Mary...your gardens always look so beautiful!! Don't know how I missed this post..glad you got a is always nice to have someone to share your day with. Hope you are doing well.

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. Mary, Yes, I heard about the fire close to Anaheim. One of my blog friends is about 40 min. from there also, and said that she saw some pictures of Disneyland when the fires were going on. These wildfires are starting to worry me. They keep spreading to different areas, and there are tons of firefighters battling them. Please be safe, Mary. The smoke must be awful for your COPD. Yes, stay inside if you can. Thinking of you, my dear friend.

    love, ~Sheri

  41. Hi Mary! I've been thinking about you and all of those horrible fires your way. I pray you're okay and that the smoke isn't bothering you. To watch this on the news is just so heartbreaking. I've never seen anything like this before - hurricanes and fires! Thank you for popping in to see me and take care of yourself.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  42. Hey Mary,
    I have been thinking about you and wondering how you're doing.. Just wanting you to know that you are thought about..Tell the furbabies hello from Georgia..
    Love, Mona

  43. Hello, beautiful Flowers. Happy Day. Hugs.

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